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Feather Duster Help


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I have a large Cork Screw Anemone that has been in the same spot for 2 years.

The other day it decided to go on a walkabout. It's perched itself over the top of my Feather Duster. I want to move the Feather Duster but it's attached to the rock(see pic) I could not get a good picture of it but it goes about 2" further that you can see. I'm afraid if I try to pry it off the rock it will break the tube. Any ideas on how to get it off? It would be a major rock deconstruction to take the rock out & do it that way.



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Either let it take its course or try to get the nem to move a little. Tickle its foot maybe.

I have a large Cork Screw Anemone that has been in the same spot for 2 years.

The other day it decided to go on a walkabout. It's perched itself over the top of my Feather Duster. I want to move the Feather Duster but it's attached to the rock(see pic) I could not get a good picture of it but it goes about 2" further that you can see. I'm afraid if I try to pry it off the rock it will break the tube. Any ideas on how to get it off? It would be a major rock deconstruction to take the rock out & do it that way.






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If the anemone is attached to a rock point a power head at it to aggravate it. After awhile it will usually move to get away from the flow. Start out with medium flow and increase it after awhile if it still doesn't move. (Sometimes you can tickle them enough with your fingers but you run the risk of damaging the foot if your not careful) If it's attached to the glass then an old plastic credit card (or similar) can be used to slowly work it off the glass. Never tried a spatula but I imagine that would work too.

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