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pistol shrimp goby pair


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So I am super sad to have to do this (sad)(sad)(sad) These guys are some of my favorite tank inhabitants but as of late my tank has become way to aggressive for them. They goby I have had for over two years and he is super healthy. The pistol shrimp was added a little over a year ago. I would like them to find a less agressive tank basically NO DAMSELS they pick on him way to much even yellow tails (sad)(sad)(sad) Asking 40$ for the pair or maybe a trade for a more aggressive fish but no frags please I am not having the best luck with corals as of late. Although if you have something bullet proof like a toadstool let me know thanx




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Strange my blue damsel doesn't bother my 2 gobies. I'll take them if Mick doesn't.


Ya it depends on the type of goby. I also have a banded prawn goby and the damsels don't bother him. I am sure a yellow watchmen would not get pushed around either, but this guy is one of the smaller more peaceful species a lot like a yasha.


I will let you know what mick says. Hopefully I will be able to get them both with ease. There burrow is under a medium sized rock and large shell so with a little luck it should be a breeze... but I am keeping my fingers crossed. (scary)

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i use to have a pair with a yasha..my shrimp would dig holes everywhere..do you have the same trouble?


Thats the best part they keep my DSB from getting dead spots. The trick is to put the rock down first then pour the sand in, otherwise everything comes down.

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Gill' date=' the gf wants to sleep on it, so I'll message you in the mornin an let you know what her answer is, thanks man.[/quote']


Better not wait too long. I know there is a line waiting if you don't grab it. (I almost sent a PM myself right after the post went up)

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Nice pic I would take them but I all ready have them in my tank & I don't know if you could have 2 of the same in your tank


I have two pairs in my tank. They do really well together. My pistol shrimp are both tigers though I would probably not put a candy cane in with them for fear of it getting eaten. I have avoided aggressive shrimp gobys though, from what I have read your standard watchmen will not tolerate another shrimp goby.

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Oh I have enough sand but I added a purple war spot goby that was bigger than my diamond and te diamond would pick on him and then the war goby went carpet



Ya my diamond found the same fate. (sad) I did add my shrimp gobys before the diamond goby, so that probably contributed to my success.

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Here was my old pair. I had them for about 2 years then they went MIA. I expect it was a cave excavation accident.






Awesome Robert....do you have your big tank installed yet? I want to come see it when it is and the anemones and fish are all installed in their new home



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