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Was into Unreal, Unreal tournament, counter strike, call of duty and a slew of others.

Just can't get into them anymore, they all give me the same feeling like I am watching an old movie I have seen so many times and know play by play and the fact the players are getting younger and more immature.


I have trouble even getting on PC at home but when I do I have a few driving simulators like GTR2, Rfactor, and GTL, and have a Force feedback wheel and some wicked aluminum pedals with modulating brake and clutch. Also have one of those thingies that strap on your head so you can look around in the cockpit; TrackIR. Just have a hard time with being on pc these days, I just prefer to spend my time with my kids these days.

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lol...fly which server you play deathmatch on? check out www.texangirlz.com they have a deathmatch server and like 3 or 4 other servers with good ping. PM me if you wanna play sometime.



So you have HL 2 deathmatch??


I dont have any that i generally play on....ive only been doing it for the last couple of nights..........i just look around for a good ping......and then if i cant play becasue i keep getting wasted within 5 seconds of spawn...i will leave and look for one that I can at least get a few shots off before getting wasted. LOL


If you want to play..........i think it would be most fun to find a empty server OR start our own....so we can just kill each other :D












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So you dont have it installed anymore??


its only ten bucks.........http://www.steampowered.com/v/index.php?area=game&AppId=320&


But Im not sure if you have to have HL 2 to begin with......probably :(




I know the graphics are so far and above the original HL and counterstrikes that i had to buy a beefy video card for my computer to handle it...i bought a 512 MB geforce to run on my crappy stock emachines. 2.2 mhz with the agp port. It seems to work pretty well though....oh i had to up my ram to a gig of ddr too


I actually think if you bought a retail disk of HL 2 it comes with the deathmatch. I bought it online from steam so i had to buy the deathmatch seperately..............bastards......lol

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Mister crabs..check this out...it confuses me.




This guy has about a dozen of these things for sale for around $100. Its a far better machine than mine. The video card alone on it is worth $200. From what i read it can handle halflife 2 no prob.


Im not that familiar, but if im not mistaken....that PCI-E video card at 256 MB is quite a bit better than my AGP one at 512.


I just emailed him on this auction that is expiring in 9 hours to confirm shipping. If shipping is less than $50 im going to buy it just to have a good spare computer hanging around. : )

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Hes got 100% feedback on 50 transactions...only two from buyers though huh??


It says its new and he actualy has ten more just likeit up for sale.


Were you being facetious when you said i should jump on that??


heck...i think for $150 shipped thats a screaming deal. Am i mistaken??



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Hes got 100% feedback on 50 transactions....only 2 of those were from when he was selling...........whats weird is that all of his auctions are set up like he has been doing this often and for a long time............




Alos...am i correct in thinking that the video card in this machine at 256 MB is better than my AGP one at 512??

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PCI Express in all it's flavors: 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x and 32x all have much greater bandwidth than basic PCI.


Common Buses and their Max Bandwidth

PCI ............................... 132 MB/s

AGP 8X ............................... 2,100 MB/s

PCI Express 1x ............................... 250 [500]* MB/s

PCI Express 2x ............................... 500 [1000]* MB/s

PCI Express 4x ............................... 1000 [2000]* MB/s

PCI Express 8x ............................... 2000 [4000]* MB/s

PCI Express 16x............................... 4000 [8000]* MB/s

PCI Express 32x .............................. 8000 [16000]* MB/s

IDE (ATA100) .............................. 100 MB/s

IDE (ATA133) ............................... 133 MB/s

SATA .............................. 150 MB/s

Gigabit Ethernet .............................. 125 MB/s

IEEE1394B [firewire]....................... 100 MB/s


A 16x PCI Express connection is at least 190% Faster than AGP 8x but this is the connection between the system and the video card. You use the connection the most when your video card is low on memory or when the game you are using uses a Direct X or Open GL feature that isn't supported in hardware.


So, what this means is that in terms of real world performance there may not be a huge difference between AGP and PCI Express if you are talking about identical chipsets. Unfortunately this is very hard to prove because graphics chipsets are designed either for PCI Express or AGP. If you have a card that is available in both forms then you have a graphics chipset that was designed for PCI Express and has a special bridge chip installed to let it comunicate with the AGP bus. The short of this is: if two cards of the same chipset are available in AGP and PCI-E then the PCI-E one will always be faster. On PCI-E you don't have the overhead of the bridge chip so it's faster, and you have the better bandwidth so in intense situations such as high resolution gaming you'll come out on top every time.


The main point here is: If you have a system with AGP on it, it doesn't make sense to upgrade just to get PCI-E video right now. The fastest AGP card to ever come out is likely to be the nVidia 6800GT. If you are at a point where that is too slow then by all means it makes sense to make a complete switch. If your happy with your AGP graphics options, wait until you are ready to upgrade the processor or other components before making the PCI-E switch.



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Thanks for the explanation impur. : )


Ive got the geforce 7600 GS 512 MB agp on my POS system right now. It seems to work just fine.


I wonder where this guy with no other sales acquired a dozen of these machines that he can sell for as cheap as it appears he is willing to.


Its kind of funny to me that i can buy this entire system for less than i had to spend upgrading my video card. And end up with a better overall system. lol

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Mister crabs..check this out...it confuses me.




This guy has about a dozen of these things for sale for around $100. Its a far better machine than mine. The video card alone on it is worth $200. From what i read it can handle halflife 2 no prob.


Im not that familiar, but if im not mistaken....that PCI-E video card at 256 MB is quite a bit better than my AGP one at 512.


I just emailed him on this auction that is expiring in 9 hours to confirm shipping. If shipping is less than $50 im going to buy it just to have a good spare computer hanging around. : )

Something fishy about that guy IMO. All his items are in the wrong category, he expects you to e-mail him or no sale, and all items end in 8 hrs. or so. Also, everything is $98.

Something smells of stolen goods or BS to me.

His feedback is broken down by 2 from buyers and 43 from sellers.

I'd ask for a photo of the Dell Service tag and call Dell to make sure it's legit.


Dell's support to see a picture of the tag.


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Something fishy about that guy IMO. All his items are in the wrong category, he expects you to e-mail him or no sale, and all items end in 8 hrs. or so. Also, everything is $98.

Something smells of stolen goods or BS to me.

His feedback is broken down by 2 from buyers and 43 from sellers.

I'd ask for a photo of the Dell Service tag and call Dell to make sure it's legit.


Dell's support to see a picture of the tag.




I agree. Whats also weird is that arent any bids on any of his other ten auctions for this incredible price.


BUT......it will be covered by paypal.




lol...check out the auction now.........its been removed along with the rest of his auctions

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Im not sure...i bought it online via steam(those links i posted) and downloaded it

But from what i understand...if you buy the retail version on disk it comes with deathmatch so you dont have to spend the additional $10.(like i DID)


It(HL 2) was game of the year so Best Buy or any big electronics store that carries games is going to have it prolly.


I dont knwo how your are going to hide the sound of Deathmatch going on in the office from your wife though......haha


FWIW......i really dont like the Steam downloaded game thing now that ive done it. There are a few PITA issues that pop up every couple of days to enable the game to play. Its not difficult now that i know how to deal with it. But every day or two you have to go delete a "clientregistry.blob" from your program files to get steam to load


Buying the retail package is a better way to go

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There's a few versions of Half-life2, go to ebgames.com or gamestop.com, you can check availabilty at the locals stores on the site (think all ownded by same company since it checks stock at the other stores too). Shows $19.99 episode 1 or $29.99 DVD...don't know if there is any difference in files though. Used xbox for under $13, but don't know about onliine play to PC's. I'm too cheap to pay MS for that when I already pay up the ....... for cable. (plus I can't get used to the controller)


Ooops, I just checked Walmart for giggles, $16.82 for DVD free shipped to store....which may be same at store? Don't know, I don't shop there.

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