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Cycle/ Algae


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:eek:Ok so we had our 75g up and running for 8 weeks and the cycle had completed and the tank looked beautiful. We then added Approx 60lbs of dead rock. We were aware of the cycle process restarting and expected the algae. Im just curious if anyone else has had this happen.. The Algae on the acrylic seems to be back within a couple hours.. Its green and wipes right off with no leftover film or residue. This is something that didnt happen thru the first cycle. The first cycle mostly made a brownish algae. Please,,,, any input would help set my mind at ease.:eek:(sad):eek:

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The first biological source added (live rock) gave you a "cycle" for dying off bacteria and animals and then diatoms.

Adding dead (base) rock is not gonna restart a cycle because the rock does not contain enough biological source.

Some phosphates present in the base rock and the less flow generally start some green algae bloom.

So after your nitrogen cycle (the most famous one) you are having the phosphorus one.

The phosphorus cycle is not as famous as his brother in our hobby, but it is always present with or without the addition of base rock.

The nitrogen cycle(s) are the ones that build up all your biological filtration. It usually last 4-10 weeks. Then the phosphorus cycle that can last a year or forever if not properly taken care of.

In fact it is very common in the first year, even with the best filtration equipment, to have frequent algae blooms. This is the main reason why or friends in the old world do start a tank in complete dark for the first months.


Time to add you clean up crew :)

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Juist re-reading my post and I don't want to be misunderstood.

The nitrogen and phosphorus cycle (as part of the 4 cycles of water, the other 2 being light and carbon) will always be present in your tank and they will keep it alive and successful.

What I was referring to is the very first nitrogen and phosphorus cycle and the time needed to be completed.

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