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Update me on stuff around here....


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Ok, I have been gone 5 years but I AM BACK(clap)...like I said in my other thread, my 180 gallon and all of my equipment is in storage until we find a house, but I am getting the itch to have a tank, not used to NOT having one....sooooo, I am toying with setting up a NANO tank(naughty)...( my husband will kill me, seeing as we are stuck in the small cracker box apt, with 4 people, and 7 animals.... YES, I said SEVEN, 3 dogs, 3 cats and a hamster.... alllllll the way from KANSAS!!!!)(nutty) but whatever... he knows how I love my tanks:D....anyway, update me on what is still here, what is new, where to go... from the looks of it, it seems there are lots of new stores. Also, who is still around from 5 years ago and who is gone...members I mean...(laugh)

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Jen it has been much of the same. :)


We have grown in numbers and just needed to change servers to keep the site up due to the growth.

Have had some new stores open up and had some online vendors (Perry) go public.

Have had the same BS that seems to show up from time to time.

Club is working on getting the TFT program going strong.

Lots of trading, selling, buying, and the normal everyday stuff.


You really haven't missed much. Just need to put the names to faces again!

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