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I would start slow and get at least a cleaner shrimp, they are actually useful, I have (in a 150 gallon) 2 cleaners 2 peppermints and 2 sexy shrimp, Pom Pom crab, serpent stars, linkia stars, clams, hermits, those are the "Inverts" I can think of at the moment.

What fish do you have' date=' or plan to have?[/quote']


i do not have any fish for this tank yet, want a couple clowns for sure after that we are open to any suggestions. more colorfull the better. the main focus for this tank will be corals and such.

I would start slow and get at least a cleaner shrimp' date=' they are actually useful, I have (in a 150 gallon) 2 cleaners 2 peppermints and 2 sexy shrimp, Pom Pom crab, serpent stars, linkia stars, clams, hermits, those are the "Inverts" I can think of at the moment.[/quote']


got a guess on how many hermits?serpent stars?linkia stars?clams? is there a LFS (portland area) that cary the clams and stars? thanks!


I like advanced aquariums clams the most (in salem) Worth the drive everytime But waves just got some in, I would call first and see if he has what you need.

I wouldn't have hermits again, get snails.

stay away from Blue Linkia till your tank gets very mature (I recommend a larger tank all together), but serpents and brittle stars are fine. I like the serpents (fancy) the most.

As far as clams start with a Derasa (medium light)and go from there.


Research species before you buy, some inverts don't do well without poo and algae to eat and you probably have neither yet. I can't wait to get a blue starfish, but it's recommended to wait until a tank is at least 6 months old or they'll likely whither away. Some people have trouble with snails; I know I did/do. I like my hermits, but they knock anything down that isn't attached with glue.


I think Im going to get rid of the hermit crabs I have left so I can have starfish. My hermit crabs have eaten alot of my snails.


I say cleaner shrimps are a must have.. especially if your going to have fish. They will clean the fish of parasites. I notice only the bigger fish go to the shrimp though.


Starfish? In a reef tank? Hope you are not planning on having any clams.

I have over 100 hermits and have never touched my blue linkie, serpents, brittle, or sifting stars. UNLESS on is dying, then they will be eaten.


im a huge fan of the blue reef hermits. i think theyre terrific. in a 90 gallon, i might start with 40 to 50 of them. i also tend to always have a brittle star if possible, for your size tank, no more than three. astrea snails and a turbo snail or two are also good choices as far as "clean up crew". in your size tank, after you get several months into your system set up, id start with 25 or so astreas and maybe 2 or so turbos. beyond that invert selection, im a huge fan of pom pom crabs. youll never see them, but when you do, theyre always a delight. i absolutely adore the neon blue stripped hermit crabs. theyre big. they knock things over and steal shells, but theyre very attractive hermits. i do like the linkias, but theyre a very sensitive little star fish. cleaner shrimp are a must have, as queen said. i usually have them in pairs. just more fun that way.


so thats a slight mixture of clean up crew and recreational inverts...


Here is what I have in my 100.

1 cleaner shrimp

1 fire shrimp

2 peppermint shrimps

1 serpent star

2 turbos

20-25 astrea and cerith snails combined (need more)

2-3 hermits (when they are gone, they're gone!)

1 conch


Like I said need more snails,(I like the cerith snails), and as stated onlt use a few turbos as they are bulldozers but do a great job.

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