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Marineland/Perfecto Cube Tanks


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I'm looking for a place in the Portland/Vancouver area that stocks the Marineland cube tanks, specifically the 30 x 30 x 24 Aquarium Cube (93 gallons) without the "Corner-Flo." Does anyone by chance know of a place that sells these? I have no idea what they cost. And if anyone has a tank from their "cube line," I'd be interested in hearing your impressions.

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Not sure if the price has changed or not, but i priced one of these about a year ago and it was around $1300.


Yeah, I've seen prices online in excess of $1000, but it includes tank, stand, and lighting. I'm looking to just purchase the tank. A few places I've seen that sell them in the $320-$450 range are on the East Coast, and it is local pickup only. I'm hoping to find some place locally that can bring one in. I chatted with the people at Petsmart, but they will not order one for me, even though they carry the brand.

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I found a guy who sells them online through various fish forums for $319 (Anubias Design in PA), but I don't think he ships. Elmer's Aquarium, also in PA, sells the 93 cube for $408.99. Frankly, I'd pay either price to get a good look at one and buy locally.

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I think all the shops have access to marinland tanks but you may have a hard time finding one in stock

call upscale, rose city or salt water fanta seas am sure they would all give you a quote


Thanks for the tips, Randy!

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I corresponded with one local shop, and for the Marineland 30x30x24 93g cube without the "Corner-Flo"--just the basic tank, they quoted me a price of $560. That seems a little steep for a 93g tank. Hmm, I think I need to make a few more calls this weekend. I know there will be a place eventually who can order and sell one for $450 or under. I have a few months to shop, save, and think about options. I know I could get a larger, standard size tank for $400 or less, but [language filter], having a 93g cube would be cool.


Edit: I also looked at the tanks at glasscages.com, but the reviews of that business have scared me away. I'm also going to touch base with Envision Acrylics with regard to making one, but I'm thinking they will be too deep for my pockets. Envision seems to make dynamite tanks, though, and they are right down the street from me.


I saw an ad about CB's Tropical's tanks on Craigslist a couple of weeks back. Are they out of business? I still have a pleco that I bought from them in my 75g cichlid tank, and he is still going strong 15 years later. It was a nice shop.

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Not sure if you want rimless or not, but a 30x30x24 acrylic rimless w/ external overflow from James, my quote was $900.


Glass-cages.com will not do external overflows, but same tank was $1253 shipped


AO was $1800


Miracles was $1740


A.G.E. was $2000+



The reason that marineland cube is more $$ is the starphire glass.

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James just built a 30x30x18 for us, to be honest I think the quality of the marineland tanks are lacking the details dept. they just look mass produced "cause they are"


Getting a tank from James you'll get the exact tank you want clear down to every specific detail and you get the best quality acrylic tank out there... I've owned a few tanks form Envision and they're top notch!

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