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Switching from Cichlids to FOWLR


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So I am thinking of turning my 55 gallon cichlid tank into a FOWLR tank. My question is, Do you need to have a skimmer on a FOWLR tank? Or is a skimmer something you only need to run on a reef tank? Another question is with the CC I have in the tank. It is a mix of 90% CC and 10% of regular gravel. Is there a problem with having regular gravel in a salt water tank? Picking out the gravel would be a pain in the ---. I would be running a Rena XP3 canister filter and a Aqua Clear 110 which I could turn into a mini fuge. What does everybody think? Easy switch or is there a bunch of things I need to do like set up a sump with skimmer and stuff. (scratch)


Thanks for the imput



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in my opinion, you'll need a skimmer for sure, a hob would work (no sump needed). i have cc in my reef/formerly fowlr and against all odds i have no problems with it. as far as the gravel goes, its much easier to make changes now than it is once you have fish in it. the canister filter will work great as a media reactor (carbon) and your idea for the

fuge is a good one. just my opinion.

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You don't need a skimmer, but you should. That canister will work for ya just great don't forget to clean it a lot.

It'll be an easy switch. Nothing is easy in this hobby. On that gravel I'm not sure about that. Maybe a good rinsing out and throw it back in. For a FOWLR I think that the CC will be ok.


But just think down the road you want corals and not you have to take that CC out cause it's too coarse and it'll trap detritus like a sponge.


Just something to think about. DOH!



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In a perefect world....skimmer,sump sand and 50lbs of live rock. Cycle for a few weeks and whaaala! I would ditch the cc and pebbles. Kemist and Tat2d have some sand that when rinsed would be perfect. Get that done Monday,we will pick up some LR from G on Tuesday and you will be home free. The canister should work,but you will most likely run a fine filter pad with media and keep it cleaned regularly JMO

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