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Queen Angel

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Ok, rack my brain, and finally remembered Smann.


What thru me off is the West Linn part. Forgot all about that he was in West Linn, I got so lost when I was looking for his place.


The star polyps are doing great. For some reason leathers arent doing so hot in my tank right now.. not sure if its because of the angels or not.


Thanks for the rep points Smann!! It did help my memory LOL

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LOL then you must have gotten my points!!


Enjoy them, they are hard to come by! (unless you are a mad poster!!) As you can see Emerald passed me up in a heartbeat... and I have been on nearly a year now!


LOL tanktop gets so pissed that my rep points have passed her up!


As for you Mick, well I belong to 70 other forums ;)LOL so I don't have time to post as much as you....

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LOL, no Tammy. I do exaggerate but I was referring to Thumpersalley who posted a thread saying she wanted her account deleted and posted how she was a part of 70 forums and how awful and terrible most of the people in this forum were and how most of them had a "God" complex.


She could have just not gone to this site and ignored it but felt the need to announce that she wanted to have her account deleted. It was some funny stuff!

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Like you said.. very entertaining!!


Cant believe I didnt get the reference myself, I did read all her hoopla. Forgot about the part of being on 70 forums.


I read alot of her past post for kicks, all she ever did was try to sell stuff it looked like.


Can you imagine how she was in person? Geez.

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Re: Reputation


You also get points for the more posts you do. Being a chatter box has it's rewards!;)






How do you think CA2OR got all of his(nutty)

for starting things benefitial for the club, its members, and its sponsors like the Grow Out Competition, give aways, and Share the Love

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