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Update picture of my main tank 75gl reef tank


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  • 2 weeks later...

actually i am fraging some stuff right now" well i was for a while now" corals got too big for the size of the aquarium i have which is 75g " main tank" now i frag stuff an put them into my 45g frag system corals grow really fast, some of them are touching front glass now, it's hard for me to clean it allready. I am in progress in getting a bigger tank, but that would be when i move to a house.

The townhouse i leave right now they only let people to keep not more than 30g aquarium, well i kind of went over that limint on few galons :P lets see 75g main tank + 45g sump+30g refug+45gl frag system total of =195gl UPSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, as long as they dont know nothing about it i'm fine RIGHT :P(whistle) (whistle)

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thats a very nice reef!! you should be proud!! i know what you mean abought corals getting to big for the size of tank ive got 2 orange caps one thats abought 12 inches round and the other 8 and id like to get rid of the big one but the wife says no way, so im wondering, did she just give me the ok to go bigger with the tank??

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Reef165 (scratch) i would get it now and than say the words like I THOUGHT YOU SAID " DOH! " well at list that's what i will do ;)

Mister Crabs that reminded me i had water spills 3 times now the lost one was pretty big, i have all the equiptmant on the second floor, one day i installed chiller and left for a day to cali. when i came back- when i opened a door i saw water dripping from the ciling, when i got upstairs " you know saying" 18th century wet rug? well it was something like that only wet carpet in my entire office. UPSSSSSSSSSSSS, what happened was one of the tubbing came out from the chiller return house so everything in my sump and 1/2 of my refugeum water was on my carpet " somewere like 50gl +" (scary) DOH! my wife got really mad than, (wife) (flame) good thing I leave not far from COral reef pet center where jayson" owner" had a water wacumer that he borowed to me for few hr. anyway long story short. spills is something i'm familior with :D but nothing happened with the livestock, besides my water was 81c. at that time ,but it was summer time, so everything dried really fast.

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