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Crazy bird


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I know the full impact of this won't come across but anyone who has a parrot will appreciate this....


just snapped this shot (and yes it's snowing up a blizzard in Redmond this morning)


This is my African Gray parrot....she's been yelling all morning "here kitty, kitty, here kitty, kitty" SO the cat comes....then the parrot yells "go away bad kitty, go away....here horsey horsey, here horsey horsey"


HAHAHAHHAHA. Maybe I'll have to youtube her because it's just hilarious



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HAHAHA yeah...been there done that hahaha.


Pep is the same...gabs for HOURS until the video shows up...you can't even hide it lol.


A few minutes ago she had a phone call...mimics the ring perfectly, answers and has a one sided conversation DOH!(laugh) bbbrrriiinnngggg "Hello, oh hello oh yeah, oh wow, okay, love you too Bye" (click)

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my giant cockatoo used to ring the telephone then mumble pause, mumble pause, mumble click. He used to meow like a cat too just to get the dogs all riled up. His favorite thing to do was swing upside down from the top of his cage they stop and bark like a dog really loud, then start swinging and repeat.


Oh and favorite food were chicken wings(dang cannibal bird(laugh)), peach oatmeal, and pizza. He wouldn't touch the oatmeal all day long unless you fed it to him thoughDOH!.

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Clay you won't regret getting one. I have the small gray (Timneh) all the gray species have the same talking ability. Just just got up and mine's talking up a storm...


"would you care for a little popcorn"


"here maggie, come here, good dog, good girl"


now he's coughing - that's ANNOYING - she's making fun of me having swine flue hehehe


"what would you like, would you like something"


hahaha never stops (laugh)


Here's a tip for you if you really want one that may talk....make sure you buy one that is right handed. It's easy to tell, just like humnas they will favor one hand when holding things. The speech center of the brain is on the left so you want a right handed bird.

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You should get one..they're awesome.


Amazons are great talkers...some of the amazons can have huge vocabs.


Grays can mimic the exact pitch and tone of the voice they are "using". My gray can switch mid sentence from my voice to my hubbys to my sons and there's no doubt at all who is talking they don't sound like "parrots". They are also unbelievable mimics of sounds from water running to the microwave. I have to keep changing my cell phone ring tone because Pep gets it down pat in a week...there's NOTHING more annoying than running for your phone only to find out it's the bird lol. Pep goes outside all summer into a huge aviery we made for her so she's got all the native birds perfected too (yup...and dog barks, cat meows and the ponies whinny !

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My Amazon throws his voice and barks, I have opened the door many times to stop them only to find the dogs in the house.

Says hello when the phone rings, then calls the kids names.

Sings twinkle twinkle & you are my sunshine.

Says good girl when the dog does what she is told.

" I want some"

Never fails to say "by by dad" every time hubby leaves the house.

Sooo much more

Wish I had the time for him that I used to.



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