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Think I'm done - stuck a fork in myself


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I have what I think is some kinf of giant bristle worm in my tank. Its bigger then my middle finger around when not stretched out and can reach to the top of my reef from under a rock in the sand. It has cleaned almost every gorilla nipple zoa from the top of my reef. And I suspect him of infecting/killing my beloved coral beauty if 6 years. I see my hippo and yellow tang with slivers all over its tail from battling it at night. This will tale complete removal of my rocks to catch Im sure.


Sorry about yout clam...that sucks. I miss my little electric blue coral beauty very much. Who agrees that they are perhaps the best fish for a reef tank?



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This will tale complete removal of my rocks to catch Im sure.


Sorry about yout clam...that sucks.



Thanks..I'm sorry too.


Well I'm with you on removing the rocks...you'll be glad you're not in my kitchen at the moment. I'm emptying my 29...moving everything to my 20H and then I'm going to sit the huge worm rock in a dish of water and watch those suckers run for their lives lol. Not a chore I was planning today but I do want more clams and I'm NOT putting one in there while those evil spawn are alive and kicking :D

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If you have them isolated to one rock at the moment have your hubby grab about 5-6 two liters of soda water from the local store, safeway usually has them for pretty cheap.


Dump the soda water into a bucket, pull the rock and drop it in... wait about 30 min shake and swish the rock in the water and you'll have a bucket with your dead worms in the bottom.


Rinse the rock with some ro water and drop it back in your tank and smile knowing all the evil worms just died cause of the worst PH spike ever...




Just make sure there is nothing on the rock that you want to keep, corals etc... The soda water will kill most of your coraline but it doesn't take long to get it back. The soda water will damage the bacteria on the rock but as long as its back in your tank with healthy live rock it will re populate the bacteria and be back to normal in a few months.


Coral banded shrimp will usually make quick work of worms as well.

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I used this to get a mantis out of some rock that was impossible to trap... Got the mantis out and a whole lot of other inverts that were in the rock, two decent sized worms and a whole lot of bristle stars.


The huge change in ph will drive them out pretty quickly though and it won't (totally) kill your rock.

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mini, instead of using the wedding viel, if you have an old nylon stocking, you know the kind im talking about, the real thin sheer ones, stick the bait in the toe, hang it in the tank with the bait resting on the bottom, and the worms cant get unstuck from it, something about the way the stocking is put together keeps the worms stuck to it, and you can just pull it out with worms attached

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What kind of bait do most people use? I figure I might was well try to catch a few while my tank is cycling


Most of us don't. Unless you have an aversion to them then I wouldn't. Most of the bristleworms are a benefit to the tank cleaning up detritus and when fish (and clams) die they will help eliminate the carcass. I've had a few opportunities to choose between keeping and eliminating (when moving things) and I've always kept them.

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