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Do I need a Calcium Reactor?


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Im in need of advise, as I have heard many opinions and its hard to know what to think. I have a 39G Tank thats been up for 1.5 Yrs and has been running great for the last 6-9 months. In the bigging there where many learning curves. I run a Prcision Venturi Skimmer and have a 20 Gal Sump. I just perchesed a 80G and picked up a Calcium Reactor. I have had no luck with keeping Hard Corals but have had Leathers and Frogspawn, Flowerpot,Recordia's and they are doing great. I have always had Calcium levels of 480 to 520 most the time. My thought is not having a CR has made the levels rise and fall to much. I am hoping for advise as to if running CR will help me grow Acro's... Oh I also have 1 VHO actinic and 1 400w 20000K MH.


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I grow alot of acro's in a 34g solana and I dont use a calcium reactor. I just dose each day depending on what the corals are using up. Then I check calcium and alkalinity twice a week to make sure that things are in check. A properly set up reactor will keep levels at a set ammount thus help with your acro problem. was you dosing before to keep levels in reasonable amounts? if so and you were still having problems then I think you have other issues such as phosphate or nitrate that is killing the acros.

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Im in need of advise, as I have heard many opinions and its hard to know what to think. I have a 39G Tank thats been up for 1.5 Yrs and has been running great for the last 6-9 months. In the bigging there where many learning curves. I run a Prcision Venturi Skimmer and have a 20 Gal Sump. I just perchesed a 80G and picked up a Calcium Reactor. I have had no luck with keeping Hard Corals but have had Leathers and Frogspawn, Flowerpot,Recordia's and they are doing great. I have always had Calcium levels of 480 to 520 most the time. My thought is not having a CR has made the levels rise and fall to much. I am hoping for advise as to if running CR will help me grow Acro's... Oh I also have 1 VHO actinic and 1 400w 20000K MH.



Hey Kevman...welcome to the website.


I dont think that you will need a reactor right away. If you want to grow hard corals you need stability with everything as well as cal/alk levels. Temperature and salinity are also important as well. If I were you I would focus on getting your new 80 gallon cycled and all the levels where they need to be. Then just dose kalkwasser at night and use 2 part for cal/alk until you cannot maintain the levels this way. I have had my share of problems with acros as well my friend.


Welcome to the site.



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Yes, I did have a Nitrate issue. I didnt realize in my sump I have a chamber in which I had BIO-Balls in it. Ive takin them out now...Do you think that Nitrates at 10--20 ppm for short time could kill them? And what is a reasonable Calcium level. I have 1 Monti, 1 Frogspawn, 1 Candycane, 1 flowerpot, Tree Leather, leather I think thats it...and what else should I be keeping track of with a new CR running...

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you dont have enought calcium sucking corals to need the reactor now. From what I have heard any nitrate levels will harm your hard corals. I keep my calcium in the range of no less than 400 and no more than 460ppm and the alk between 7-10. I usually shoot for an alk of 8dkh and a calcium of 420ppm. I dont know if this is ideal but it works for me.

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Hey Kevman, here is from another site I belong to different user ID.

Here you get a pretty good idea or other opinions.


It will come down to just that, your opinion. After 9 pages this thread comes down to personal preferance.


My opinion-with my reactor I "set it and forget it" granted I use a PH controller with my reactor that keeps me dialed in exactly for my KH and Ca.


Welcome aboard.



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Thanks everyone...Im loving the info, keep it coming. Im like a sponge...I had 6 3inch Frags and they peeled back in about 48hrs. Could have just been Nicrosis? I also have a 8G Salt and noticed a small Worm that has little bristley looking hairs on it. If these are in my bigger tank could this have been eating my Hard Corals? If these are bad, how do I get rid of them?

Thanks everyone, I am just gun shy after the loss of my other corals.

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