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Got Crabs??


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That was a BIG electric Rick, sorry to hear it died


Frank that pis is great, makes ya laugh with those bugged eyes-Hillarious

What type of crab is it?


I don't know how big they can get but I think it simply lived out it's lifespan. It's the only one I didn't have to worry about the eel eating however it also was big enough that it would make a path through the corals knocking them over so it was a pita sometimes. It never failed to get comments when people saw it though.

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I have had 2 electric blues for over a year. Found a empty shell of one the other day and no sign of it moving shells.


I am starting to suspect my other one of murder though. I used to have 30 or 40 different types of hermits and now I have him and about 5 random ones. Not to mention that all of my snails minus a few have turned up missing.

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I have had 2 electric blues for over a year. Found a empty shell of one the other day and no sign of it moving shells.


I am starting to suspect my other one of murder though. I used to have 30 or 40 different types of hermits and now I have him and about 5 random ones. Not to mention that all of my snails minus a few have turned up missing.

After I came back from the beach after 4th of July I found mine with the carapace of the emerald I use to have wide open snacking on it. Don't know if it killed it or was just eating it but nevertheless I wouldn't put it past them to kill and eat others.
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Hey Michael, is that a red scarlet? looks big for those guys. I have about 5 in my tank and they dont grow fast, maybe they are full grown???



Anyway, I found an pic from a month ago, this is the biggest blue I have, I used to have 2 and they other was slightly smaller, have not seen him in a while. I have seen this guy litterally rip a crab from its shell-He is on top of a pretty large Turbo Snail


He owns ALL the shells and there inhabitants in my tank, and keeps them in check(enforcer)



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