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Cheap: Cycled 20L w/ stand/LR/"sump", Mag5, 150W MH Retro w/ moonlights

Dego Red

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:EDIT: If interested, PLEASE email me - I'm hardly ever on the forum. mjgianunzio@gmail.com Thanks.


I'd really like to see all of this go together to someone who wants to get started in the hobby and not be bound by the cost many of us have dealt with. As one system, it only needs the 'small stuff' to have livestock in it the day after its set up.


First, the 20g long that was to be my QT but never used. Has a very nice cherry oak stand and about 15lbs of fully cured live rock with some nice character (base, tonga, etc), as well as some green and red coraline. It can actually stand quite a bit taller, but I just have it laying flat for now. The parameters as of this morning:


Ammonia: 0

Nitrite: 0

Nitrate: 10-15ppm


^Its quick water change from livestock. $50



Want a sump? I'll throw in a clean 10g that fits below for free.



Mag 5 for use with the sump. Looks like my last deal officially fell through so I'll list it again. Used for maybe 2 months - now spotless. I'll throw in any misc PVC (some 1/2", 3/4", ball valves, elbows, etc)...nearly enough to plumb the whole 20L....for free.





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