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Stupid fish


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Does anyone else have fish that aren't that bright? Today I can downstairs and had to save my little foxface rabbitfish. Apparently a small piece or nori got stuck to the side of one of my powerheads and the little foxface decided to go after it from what I can piece together. He was sucked up against the side of my powerhead. I turned it off and away he went. He had a few indents on his side but seems to be ok.

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First night I put my Diamond Goby in my tank.... It jumped out!

I wake up and come to check on the tank, you know that "morning after" you put something new in and you come to down to see what may have blown up overnight. Well, I couldn't find this guy anywhere... Then I remember reading that they jump sometimes. So I start looking around the carpet and still nothing. In a panic, I open the cabinet and there he is in my sump making faces at me.


Dude jumped outta the back of my 72 gallon tank, fell @ 2.5 feet along the wall, landed on a piece of scrap plywood (that is just higher than my sump wall), and flopped into my sump. I couldn't believe it. I tried to think of any other way I it could have happened, but thats my CSI conclusion. I got screening for the back of my hood that day.


Stupid lucky bastard.

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I have had similar issues with my cichlids too...that is funny. My peacock bass had jumped out one day, now keep in mind he was about 4.5 inches or so, anyway he hit my wall and made it back in the tank. I found this out when I got home from work. There was this wet spot on my wall about 4 feet over my tank. I later realized it was my bass when he did it again that night. But I think he got a cricket that time. Do they do that? I do want cichlids again, but will wait until I get a tank with a lid.

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So last night I head a weird noise coming from one of my powerheads. So I checked it out and it looked ok from outside the tank. I turned it off for a few min then turned it back on and the noise went away. And tonight it did the same thing. But this time I took the powerhead out of the tank to take a look. A guess what I found inside. A stupid snail.....


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Not sure if this falls under the stupid category...stupid reefer maybe. But I had a little accident a couple of months ago with my large niger, who is incidentally one of the most personable fish I have ever had. I have anouther in a different system but this guy really means something to me.


I had recently caught him and took him from the display in order to add a new large fish........he has killed a coupleof new additions recently as he has been getting more aggressive, so I cant add anymore fish to the display without getting him out for awhile.,,


anyway......I had him in the overflow drain half of a hundred gallon sump......I blocked entrance in to the baffle section with eggcrate layed horizontally over the first "over" baffle, weighted down with a 16 oz pyrex measuring cup full of water. sounds pretty solid one would think right?? Then on the other end of the sump the 2" intake bulkhead leading to a hammerhead I had 2 more pieces of eggcrate up against it with a rock weighing it down. I should have had an spa type intake strainer like usual, but it was being used somewhere else.........didnt think he could ever even get over there in the first place so I just put the eggcrate up against it to be sure in case he did.


Well he somehow did not only get through the weighted down eggcrate, but also moved the eggcrate blocking the pump. It was a well set up guard I thought.


I dont know how long he was stuck head first in the 2" intake. If you have ever stuck your hand in front of the intake of a large pump you know how much force is there.......enough to suck your hand in and hardly be able to pull it out and its gonna hurt.


I couldnt get him out his head/body was wedged so tight into the 2" bulkhead. I had to empty that side of the sump and then cut the pipe in order to free the bul;khead, and even then I couldnt get him out and ended up having to cut the bulkhead in half with a dremel to free him.



Although still breathing somewhat, I all but counted him as a loss when the ordeal was over. The massive amount of flow torqued backwards through his gills and the extreme bruising and creases exposing flesh......


a week later he was back to letting me slap box him and taking pop shots at my hands if he hadnt been fed that day


believe it...or not.....



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I've had 2 fish go carpet surfing, but I hold that that was my fault. About a week and a half ago though I noticed that my tank was one clown fish short. Darn! It was my smaller one so I figured that he had finally kicked it. WRONG! I was topping off the tank and noticed a flash of orange in one of the back sections on my tank. Turns out he made it through the baffle and into the chamber in the back. Of course my net is much to large to fit back there, so I went fishing for an hour with a glass cup. Eventually caught him! Yay! Steve is back! (my clown fish are named Simon and Steve)

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Well I had my first fish casualty today. My foxface was too stupid to live. This is the one who got stuck to the powerhead. Well turns out he did it again, but I didnt find it in time. This is the fish that would rush to the powerhead whenever it got turned off to pick stuff off the propeller. Good thing they werent on a wavemaker.

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