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MedRed's 34 Gallon Solana


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You probably already know this but have you already decided what fish will be in there yet? If not then you may want to give that some thought and then formulate a plan based on that so you can add the less aggressive ones first. That way you may be able to avoid having to rearrange the rocks. I would probably start adding one or two fish a week (less expensive and hardier at first) since they will have a greater impact on the bio load and perhaps a few of the hardier corals at the same time to start?

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I'm wanting to add a pair of naked clowns' date=' a tail spot blenny, and a blue spot jawfish. I think i'll be ready to add something this weekend. Does everyone quarantine their corals?[/quote']



I haven't ever QTed my corals, and hadn't had a problem until this last week. All of a sudden, when I hadn't added anything new in over a month, I got a case of zoa eating nudis in my tank. I will now be dipping and QT everything that goes in.....

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good advice... what's the best way to set up a SW quarantine tank? I have a 5.5 gallon Eclipse tank with a bio filter hood. would that be sufficient?


I have good news... and bad news


Good news... the byropsis is showing signs of slowing down... on top of that... I've witnessed the Ceriths eating it off the glass!


The bad news.... I've notice LOT more Aiptasias in the tank. GRRR!!! I can't get to all of them with the aiptasia X. They are pretty small for the most part. Should I get 1 or two more peppermints? On top of all of this... i've noticed quite a few groupings of these little guys.




are these baby aiptasias? If so... I'm screwed! They are all over the place.

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It is hard to tell, but yes they could be hydroids or another small organism. The best way to tell is patience. Look to see if they grow a bit. That is how I can tell if something is an aiptaisa or majano anemone. It would not hurt to add one more shrimp or two. The p shrimps will congregate and eat aiptasia in groups. I have seen it before.



Unfortunately, the gha or bryopsis will not be an easy road. Clean up crew will help as will the mag spike. I like ceriths and nerite snails. In fact, I am snailcentric. Hermits are fun to watch, but they can be jerks. My favorite hermit is the scarlet hermit. They are good eaters and are just gorgeous. Not too aggressive either.


Your aquascape is fantastic. I really like having the rock come up to the foreground. It is dramatic.

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Great to know COReefer.


I may add some nerites, but I really don't want to deal with the eggs! I have acclimated nerites to a couple of my FW tanks and they do a fantastic job with a wide variety of algae. I will consider adding some. I've seen Red Legged Hermit Crabs (Dardanus megistos) recommended for aiptasia. Thoughts?


and thanks on the aquascape, tidalsculpin. i think it looks much better in person in 3d. I'm happy with it. It's way more centralized than I'd have wanted... but I have a lot of real estate for corals. The side view is an entirely different dimension to the tank.


*edit. ixnay on the Red Legged Hermit Crab. I little bit of reading points out that sucker gets big and can be aggressive.

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Those look like baby aptasia to me, and I had the same thing happen when I used the aptasia X....which is why I don't recommend it anymore. It works great, as long as you get 100% of the central disk covered before the anem. sucks its tentacles back in. If you miss any, even a tiny amount then they send out their stupid little larvae. That is what happened to me anyways. Within a couple days of using the aptasia X I had about 100 of those little baby turds. I vote yes to adding several more peppermint shrimp. Good luck!

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happy bday! :) and i saw you leaving Bob's today..what did you get? just curious :D


lol... so that was you... I should have gone to the car thread and tried to put a face with a car with a sn... lol




yeah what you get??????? TELL ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! jk jk jk




lol... I only picked up a couple more peppermints and a few astreas. On another note... i may be adding my blue spotted jawfish and my tail spot blenny on monday or tuesday ;-)

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Red legged hermits are different than scarlet hermits.

Scarlet Hermit -Paguristes cadenanti


Red Legged Hermit Clibanarius digueti



Bumblebee snails are known to eat bristle worms. Some people like bristle worms and do not want them in their aquarium. Still, the small red bristle worms they eat are considered very beneficial to the sandbed. That is a good reason to not get bumblebees.

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