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WTT My 120 gallon AGA reef setup!!!


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I don’t want to get rid of it but we are expecting a second child in Dec.. This is the best system I've owned. I think this is a perfect size tank for a reef system not to small not too big. I want to down size my system before the new baby comes. I will trade my reef tank for yours. I’m willing to trade for something no bigger than 36” long and from front to back no less than 24” and at least 16" tall. Rimless, euro-braced and and shallow is a plus. Let me know what you have and send pictures.


120 gallon Aqueon glass (48” X 24” X 24”) –Black Trim with Dual Megaflow overflows - Bought in new May ‘08

Custom Stand (49” X 25” X 36”) & Canopy (49”X 25” X 16”) Made Dec. ‘08

45 Gallon Refugium/Sump (36” X 18” X 16”)

Mag 18 return pump

AquaC EV180 w/ JG fitting W/Mag 9.5

48” 8x54W Sunlight Supply Tek Light Fluorescent Lighting Fixture W/Tek Light Bracket/Legs Support System


***No livestock included!!!!!!***






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