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My 90 Gallon - 2012 FTS Growth Pic

Blue Z Reef

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To any new people or those who don't take many shots of your tank - TAKE AS MANY AS YOU CAN! It's amazing how much things change that you don't notice when you see things every day.


I fortunately took a FTS of my 90 gallon back in January and took another last night. In January I had just fragged my toadstool....it's definitely time to again lol! I'm not a fan of him taking up so much real estate in my tank, but my fiancé says he has to stay or else! (wife) Some stuff is moved around but you get the idea :D



Without and further adue....here's the pic:



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Thanks! If you notice centered in the top pic, there is a hollywood stunner frag about 1.5" square. It's hidden behind the toadstool but you can see it kinda sticking up, it's about the size of a small LP now!


That chalice that got so big was just some random pink and teal one I got from Cos as a "lets try out a chalice" frag. It's about the size of a CD now lol

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