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Posts posted by SchoolofFish

  1. I have to say, I am addicted (and the students) after getting two saltwater tanks for our Marine Biology classroom this year.  I have a dream of getting a coral propagation tank and teaching the kiddos how to frag (safety first, I will do my research first).


    I wrote a grant and have received funding for half already through a foundation.  Thought I would put it out on here.  Anything helps, and all donations are tax-deductable.


    I teach at Tualatin High School.


    Coral Propagation Project


    This was a teaching dream that might happen a lot sooner if I can get the funding for it.  I am a very dedicated teacher and thought I know little about coral prop, am excited to learn.  

  2. I have a couple of soft corals for you when you are ready, I can drop  them by


    Thanks Steve, so much for stopping by today and for the awesome coral frags.  I know you made some serious fans, so thanks for being patient and teaching those kiddos (and me).  We are excited to watch them grow.

    • Like 1
  3. Hi Steve.  We are ready for any and all coral frags.  I removed the urchins in the tank, since they were feasting on the kenya tree coral I had.  They are now in a 30 gallon, non coral tank (I don't have the right lights for corals in that tank).


    Any time before or during our school hours, I am here.




    Also, anyone that has any corals, I am welcome to any and all.  Still learning, but would love to eventually teach my students how to coral frag.

  4. El Presidente:  I got the skimmer plumbed and up and running, though had to make many a trip to home depot to get the right plumbing hardware.  Thanks again!


    Macros were all gobbled up (urchins?) but I got a few more clumps.  But you should swing by just to see what we have going (new kiddos this semester, so this bunch haven't met you).


    I see this round of marine on Tuesday afternoons, from noon-2:40.

  5. Hi guys.


    Well, the tanks are up and running and we have quite a few fish now in them.  I have a 55 gallon that Kenny Yang gracious donated and helped set up one of his ReefStar LED lighting systems, so can't wait to start adding coral.


    I also have a 30 gallon, that is still cycling with live rock and decomposers.


    The students love it!  I just started a new semester of Marine Biology, so 60 new kiddos.  They will start a project with these tanks (and a new coldwater tank that we are getting) in a few weeks.


    @Tom @Clownfish.  Thank you!  Anything is greatly appreciated.  You can write a check to TuHS and I can get you the proper tax-deduction forms.  


    Travis at Upscales has been a lifesaver for advice, and thank you Kevin F. for donating a protein skimmer.


    This is so fun and can't wait to show off my tanks someday.  

    • Like 2
  6. Hi guys. Thanks for the support! Colin, I am interested in any and all equipment. In my Marine Biology class next week, students will need to research how to set-up and maintain an aquarium. They can pick either fresh or salt, and the class will vote on the best project and hopefully I can get that implemented. I am not opposed to have a zoo in my classroom (I used to be a zookeeper), and love the thought of having a water wonderland that the students can learn from and maintain. My school email: kperry@ttsd.k12.or.us


    @Mike I will tell Duggan hi, he works right next door and I have lunch with him everyday.


    Specific, well, I have a 55 gallon tank that I got a sump, overhead, pumps for. I am going to get tubing for that tonight and hopefully hook it all up to start the cycle next week. It does NOT have good lights though, and I was going to wait until next year to try LED reef lights (but these seem way out of my budget).


    @Colin I will take anything I can get. Would love a littler tank that I could try corals out in.


    @Cuttlefish, thanks for the suggestion. I checked this years ago when I worked at Beaverton High, and got no response. So happy to have community support.


    @Rizer yes, livestock would be much appreciated, though I am still getting the initial tank set-up and cycled.


    Thanks guys

  7. Hello. I am a Marine Biology and Biology teacher at Tualatin High School. I have many freshwater tanks in my classroom, but am starting to finally venture in the salt water world. I am very interested in the program, and would love all the help I can get in getting this started. I am overwhelmed already by the costs and any donations would be very welcome.


    Thanks for the info and help!


    -Kelly Perry

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