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Everything posted by Islandoftiki

  1. Ok, here's a little update. Everything is going great with the 10 gallon tank. This weekend, I transferred everything from the 2 gallon pico to the 10 gallon. I started by draining the pico over half way and started re-filling is slowly over an hour or so with water from the 10 gallon to acclimate everything. The two tanks are pretty similar, same salinity, temp, pH, etc etc. After getting everything acclimated, I moved the live rock and corals over first. My pom pom crab held on tight to the main piece of rock as it moved to the new tank which left only my little sixline wrasse all alone and very confused. Once I got all of the rock situated, I managed to net my sixline without her jumping out of the tank. The pom pom crab found a comfortable spot pretty quickly and has claimed it for himself. My sixline hid behind the largest rock for about 20 minutes and then started slowly venturing out. By the end of the evening, she had made a pretty good cursory examination of the entire tank, but stayed close to cover most of the time. The next morning, I came downstairs to find her thoroughly comfortable in her new home and frolicking in the water flow of the MP10. She's been very active and as always is very personable and curious about us when we're around or sitting in front of the tank watching. I'm going to turn the pico tank into a QT tank and keep it in the basement for now. It'll eventually go into the room with the African Grey parrot. I'll have some live rock and soft corals in it to keep it interesting, and some snails and possibly a hermit. The 10 gallon tank is super awesome. I'll try to get some pictures/video up in a couple days. I'm still in the middle of moving in with the fiance, so I don't have a ton of time. That's probably good, it'll keep me from digging around in the tank so much this week and give things time to settle and become comfortable.
  2. Ok, so how soon before I start transferring things from my pico to the 10 gallon? I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get a cycle. The live rock is fully cured from J-Dog's established tank, and the sand is non-live aragonite. So far, Ammo, nitrite and nitrates are still holding at zero. I would expect if there was going to be any die-off, it would have happened within the first week. I've been dosing Nite-Out bacteria as per the recommended dosage. I'm going to move everything over from the pico to the 10 gallon and change some stuff up on the pico and start it back up in a slightly different configuration or convert it back to freshwater so I can have some shrimp at home. :-)
  3. I know they're crazy expensive, but probably worth the investment in the long run. If I upgrade to a bigger tank, I can move it to the next tank--up to about 50 gallons if I recall. Plus, it should make the corals much happier, and over the life of the tank, you'll probably spend more on corals than you will on the Vortech. And if your corals are really happy, they'll grow faster, you can frag them and sell them to pay for your Vortech. Plus, in a 10 gallon tank, there isn't room for a bunch of big ugly powerheads, so this just seemed like the right choice even though I didn't like spending that much on it.
  4. I've been reading up a little on this, and it seems like the prevailing wisdom is that you don't necessarily want full-on waves... Both pulsing modes are probably the most useful. Short pulse is capable of creating waves in appropriately sized tanks, but it should not be tuned this way. The key in pulsing modes success is the fact that it gives large amounts of osculating flow then a break in between. If timed right the undertow during the break from flow can help to buffer corals from the backside and keep them from being damaged by too much flow from the front side. This is the best setting for a mixed reef because it can provide high flow for SPS corals without damaging LPS and soft corals. Full Article: http://www.3reef.com/forums/filters-pumps-etc/elite-reef-vortech-mp10-review-103845.html
  5. You can put the Vortech into a short pulse mode and if you get the length of the pulse right for the size of the tank, you'll get a wave type of water flow in your tank. Apparently corals and fish LOVE this. We shal see. The zoas and GPS I got on your live rock are very pleased with the new digs!
  6. We'll see. that was one of the main reasons I bought the MP10. I think the fish/corals will appreciate a more natural habitat with waves.
  7. For those who are still up, here's a picture with the moonlights active:
  8. Hammer and wood chisel just made that large rock on the left a little smaller. Wood chisel ruined--well, it's now officially a rock chisel. Fair trade, IMO. Water is up to temp and holding steady at 77.6 degrees on a temporary Hydor theo 25 watt heater that will eventually take over heating in the 2 gallon pico when I disconnect it from the RKL. So far, I'm really happy with everything. There's plenty of tweaking to be done, but this is a good start. Water flow in the tank is amazing and I haven't even messed with any of the special functions of the MP10 yet. I just put a ball of chaeto from my 2 gallon into the AC70 and filled the first chamber with filter floss. No chemical filtration yet. I added some Nite-Out nitrifying bacteria. Probably not necessary, but I'm pretty sure it can't hurt. By the way, the sand bed is non-live medium-coarse aragonite about 1-1.5" thick. I'll probably steal a couple tablespoons of sand from my 2 gallon to help seed it just for fun. As for lighting, this one is getting a 24" T5 HO fixture with separately controllable daylight, actinic and moonlights. Might add some LED's... we'll see. Lights are off for the next couple days.
  9. Everything up and running! Live rock is in the tank. I'll play with the rockscape once it clears up and I can see what I'm doing a little better. Beth, my fiance is a potter. I took the pictures in her pottery studio because the light is way better in there. :-)
  10. Everything up and running! Live rock is in the tank. I'll play with the rockscape once it clears up and I can see what I'm doing a little better. Beth, my fiance is a potter. I took the pictures in her pottery studio because the light is way better in there. :-)
  11. Getting the water up to temp. Heater is going and I'm taking a quart of water at a time and heating it for a couple minutes in the microwave and dumping it back in to speed up the process... And... It's cocktail hour.
  12. And check out that wicked plate coral in the middle of the tank!
  13. Hang on to your hats folks! Here we go! Equipment ready to be assembled! AC70: Media Basket in AC70: Next up, MP10!
  14. By the way, the media basket is VERY nicely made. Laser cut, high quality. Worth $45 bucks? In my mind, yes. Some might disagree.
  15. The media basket for the AC70 and submersible fuge light just arrived. 12V 10 Watt submersible halogen fuge light: I should get out of work a little early today, so I'll pick up sand on my way home and start assembling everything!
  16. GSP's and zoas were open yesterday. No visible die-off on any of the rocks. Water parameters in the bucket are stable. If I can get out of work a little early, the tank should be set up tonight and I'll monitor it for a week or two to be sure everything goes well, then it's clean up crew time. GSP's Open:
  17. GSP's and zoas were open yesterday. No visible die-off on any of the rocks. Water parameters in the bucket are stable. If I can get out of work a little early, the tank should be set up tonight and I'll monitor it for a week or two to be sure everything goes well, then it's clean up crew time. GSP's Open:
  18. Well, not much happened with the tank today. It's been a whirlwind of activity at the fiance's house in preparation for me moving in. The garage is cleaned out, and we've nearly filled a 3 yard dumpster. We're working on cleaning out the basement right now, and are almost done. Tons of ads going up on craigslist for "treasures" that we no longer want or need. The live rock is sitting in a bucket with two small but powerful powerhead pumps to keep the water circulating, and my 25 Watt Hydor Theo that's going to take over the job of heating the Pico when I move the RKL to the 10 gallon tank. So far, the small colonies of zoas that came with the rock have opened. The GSP started to open, but I moved one of the powerheads and it decided that it was going to be pissy and close back up. It looks healthy though. I don't have any lighting on them at the moment, but they should be ok for a couple days with just a little ambient daylight. I just checked and no amonia, nitrite or nitrates in the bucket this evening. I'm hoping to avoid any die-off so the cycling of the tank goes quickly. Question: As there's probably not much bioload at the moment, should I throw in a bit of raw shrimp into the bucket to give it some ammonia to convert while I'm getting the tank set up over the next couple days or should I even worry about that? Maybe toss in a little bit of fish food? I'm hoping that I can get everything put together tomorrow and get the live rock into the tank. Here's a picture of the rock in the bucket. Exciting, I know!
  19. Woohoo! I've got the live rock! Thanks to J-Dog, I have plenty of live rock for the tank from his established tank. I should have the tank wet by the end of the day tomorrow or Sunday if everything goes well. Hopefully the cycle will be fairly short. :-)
  20. Alright, alright, I'm home. Here it is folks! First impression: It's very well made. Second impression: It's not only well made, but its extremely good looking. And here it is next to my 2 gallon tank. It's quite a bit larger. It's going to be amazing. I should be getting live rock tonight or tomorrow. :-)
  21. It's killing me not to go unpack it right this very moment. I'd be surprised if it doesn't have water in it by the end of the night.
  22. And so it begins! My tank and lights just arrived from Micro-Reefs.com this morning. I'll unpack it and take pictures when I get home from work.
  23. It's interesting to see the vast majority of people on here preferring the Kent over the IO in the poll. Usually IO Reef Crystals beat out Kent in most polls. Looks like either one is a good option though. For those that chose Kent over IO, what is your reasoning and what is the application? Reef tank, FOWLR or other?
  24. Yes. In fact, they went into bankruptcy liquidation. Which doesn't necessarily mean they're dead just yet. There are a number of large automakers interested in acquiring parts of the company. Time will tell. Not many of us in the Saab field hold out much hope, but it's not a done deal yet. It's too bad that GM ever got their grubby hands on Saab in the first place.
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