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LC Scott

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Everything posted by LC Scott

  1. So what turns your sand green while the lights are out and disappears during the day?
  2. Trautman, Put it better than I did. If you look at the sand bed you will see pockets in it. Hope this helps.
  3. Gill, I think you just created a monster. I was already looking at it and trying to figure out if I could drill it. So I could use a aqua-lifter as a power head. Build a stand to hide that in, make a led that looks like a MH (at lest on the outside) and plum a skimmer in line. I wounder just how small I can make one. Just what I needed, another project.
  4. If my memory serves me right now, the gas bubbles you are seeing are a byproduct of the bacteria (that you carefully cultivated) in your sand bed. The rock is probably just trapping the gas and collecting larger bubbles for you to notice. Of coarse I could be completely wrong and off base. JM2C
  5. I think I have a LED book light floating around here that I could hack apart.
  6. Well after my plans to build the stand for my 55Gal tank went south I decided to do something constructive rather than be bored/pissed off. I decided it would be constructive to work with so of the materials on the overflow box. This is what I came up with. A couple of pics. After the silicon set I put on some eurobracing. Fixed the water leak. I was thinking of drilling the tank and puting a water lifter into it for water flow. Just one question. Is this stand overbuilt? (whistle)
  7. LC Scott

    Clown Fish

    I got him from SWF two weeks ago, I'm going back tomorrow and see if they sill have any left from that batch. That and I need to replace some of my cleanup crew.
  8. LC Scott

    Clown Fish

    Barelycuda: Here is a Pic. He seems little camera shy.I swear he can tell when I'm about to take a photo and hide.
  9. Seeing as I'm not going to get a choice, I may as well as volunteer. I can swing a hammer. Just let me get this strait do we or don't we use the hammer when making drain holes for the sump?
  10. I've gone from red to green to brown and now back to green in almost a week. I think my tank is trying to celebrate the holidays early.
  11. The algee sure seems to like it, fortunately it's only the morning sun.
  12. Sorry, thought I had posted a new pic
  13. I have some fresh water stuff to get get rid of. $30.00 takes all Stand fits a 55 gal. 48 by 12.5 in An under gravel filter for a 55 gal. Two lights, one new. less than three months lots of gravel green mixed blue mixed and red mixed. And plenty of decor. Ohh, almost forgot 9 silver barbs.*Gone Edit: Forgot, the tank stays *not sure that's was I told.
  14. LC Scott

    Clown Fish

    I have to admit that the fan was the only thing in the tank I didn't consider the clown would host.
  15. LC Scott

    Clown Fish

    I was sort of hopeful that he would host the LTA. He doesn't seem to be interested in that side of the tank.(scratch)
  16. LC Scott

    Clown Fish

    I'm just worried that he will stress the fan into dropping it's feathers.
  17. LC Scott

    Clown Fish

    Should I be worried? After work I took some time too stare at my tank after lights out and start looking for my clown fish, at first I can't find him. So I looked behind the rocks, power head and no luck only to see him poke his head out of the Hawaiian Fan. DOH! What gets me is the fan seems to be tolerating this. Should I be concerned? The Clown does seem confused/upset when the fan retracts.
  18. The anemone was completely white when I got it. It's even darker than this now. photo taken 9/20
  19. Hi Everybody! Nick> A few things about me I grew up in the PNW My father took me ocean fishing before I could walk. (WestPort WA.) I spent a lot of my time as a kid climbing on/in the jetties, running around the docks and beaches and doing stuff that If I caught my kids doing now I would lose whats left of my hair. . Alright, So much for the boring stuff. I currently have a 20 L Tank Lighting 1 6400 K (10000 k on it's way) 1 blue antic 24 Watt HOB canister filter using carbon 1 power head to help with the current. Occupants. 1 False Clown(?) 1 Hawaiian Fan 1 emerald crab :( 1 turbo Sail 2 more sails whose names escape me right now. 1 LTA Rescued 1 small frag of Green Star Poly. I think I go it all... Wait I almost forgot the the sand bed. 1 Bag of crushed coral and 2/3rds of a bag of live sand. FTS I have 55 gal. tank coming soon and I'm going to use a 40b as a sump (dang Petco $1 sale.)(again) I'm a DIY type guy so I'll be making most anything I can.
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