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Will trade corals for egg carrying cleaner shrimp


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I have closed my other thread to get more specific. I wish you could actually just edit the titles of threads to avoid having to make a new one. I have a couple corals I am willing to trade to get a cleaner shrimp that is carrying eggs, mostly so I know that they will do it in my tank is the only reason I want one that already has some. I have a SMALL and I mean small green slimer frag I am only getting rid of it because I want to use it's location for something else, about 1 inch SPS frag which is under debate on whether on what it is. It is between stylo and something that reminds me of porcupine (starts with a p), and might throw in Zoa frag or birdsnest or something else.


I would like the same kind of cleaner as this one


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Match the shape on the tail and you will have the same species of cleaner shrimp and if you put two together they should both get eggs. It takes two to get eggs and they will both have them. They are hermaphrodites so it is possible for one to have eggs by its self but it is rare.

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lol....I wish. I actually was thinking of starting something kinda business oriented but not involving tanks or even breeding for money, on a different angle. In Cali it just started taking off right before I left. I actually want this one in hopes of providing a natural food source in my tank. Being that mine wont do it, but apparently you need 2

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Not sure if you are still looking to work on shrimp, but if you dont have a copy of THIS you may want to look for a copy.


I am gearing up to work on shrimp myself. If you want more information, let me know and i will send you some links

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oh...I never explained what they were doing in CA with them...DOH!. I was starting to find small tanks filled with cleanershrimp in the places my wife would go to get their nails done. The store would clean their hands, then allow the cleaner shrimp to...well...I guess give manicures. It was crazy, but the women were loving it. Bet the shrimp were happy too. This is what I was thinking about, till I realized I don't know anything else about nails and hair. So I just want a egg carrier to go with my current assumed to be male in hopes of natural food. Probably wont work, so I will just have 2 for my wife to play with. YES, she does let "Pepe" give her manicures.

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Well no I hadn't seen that. But it seems the cleaner shrimp is a better idea. Try it sometime, or get your wife\gf to. I am telling you my wife loves it, her friends, once they are brave enough, love it too.


FYI, if you don't like hearing things like "it is so wierd" or "it feels so wierd" or "they are so cute" then don't do it.

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