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Acrylic tank worth the effort?


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I have a 20" or so long scratch across the front of my tank from a snail who decided to get a barnacle as a friend on his snail. Not a little scratch, a deep scratch across the front of the tank.


They scratch that easy. I have two acrylic tanks, I will never pay for another one.


I am so careful, but I do miss being able to use a magfloat as I could on glass. Acrylic has a lure that you can drill holes anywhere to set it up, but in the long run, a LFS will drill a hole for pretty cheap.


I'll only buy glass from here on out. JMO

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that whole clarity argument is out the window with starphire!!! And i bet if 2 tanks were side by side one glass(non starphire) and one acrylic you would be hard pressed to tell the difference in clarity! plus acrylic can and does bough/flex. There is nothing I love more than using my magnet glass cleaner to quickly and easily clean the glass of any and all algae without getting my arm soaking wet from sticking it in the tank!

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There is a mag float for acrylic though. I have one. All being said, I would have to agree, I wouldn't pay for another acrylic, but that doesn't mean i wouldn't use another one. Much like the one I have now, I traded for it. If I found another good trade it wouldn't much matter to me if it was glass or acrylic. But when it comes to BUYING a tank it will be glass.

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Well I got it all cleaned up today and noticed a small deep scratch right in the middle of the front. I went to LFS and the scratch repair kit was $40. I don't think I'm going to bother with this tank. For $95 I can get a new 40g glass tank with almost the same dimensions.

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If you're interested in it I can ask him how much he wants for it. He was going to sell it on craigslist and I asked if I could have it, otherwise I'd just give it to ya. I really don't have the $$$ to set up another tank right now anyway.

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