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I need some IT help..


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I put this in the Out of bound but the more I think about it.. It is in bounds


Ok here is what I'm looking to do and my thought tell me if this works and how to do it ..... I just got a AC JR and I have the serial cable and an older laptop that has the screen broken I was thinking of hooking up the AC JR to the laptop and networking it wireless ( this were I get really lost) on my home PC. Can I do this and is so how?

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You can enable a remote session to run off the laptop and use somekind of remote software like VNC or remote desktop even. There are tons of options for remote software. You would basically be remoting into the laptop to monitor the AC JR. Let me know if you need me to go into detail or provide additional assistance. I live close enough I could just come by and help you.

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Yea Im looking for help with Remote Desktop Connection... Any one?????


Remote desktop is a remote control application that comes with Windows XP and Windows Server.


Does your laptop have Windows XP installed?

Does it have a wireless network adapter?

Do you have a wireless router?

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Do you have a firewall in place? What service pack are you running? Don't worry Frank I will take care of it tomorrow and show you what to do from there. Seting up RDP (remote desktop protocol) and configuring the rest of your security can get quite confusing. I have no problems posting steps here for you to follow but it may be better if I just do it and show you as I go. Up to you. Check your PM's

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Just a heads up the teamviewer and RDP way will allow you to connect outside of your local network without a hitch once configured, providing your IP doesn't change. Teamviewer wont care if your IP changes but RDP will. VNC sometimes poses a few roadblocks when connecting outside of the LAN. Not that it can't be done, because it can just not the recommended way to do it. I would prefer RDP or Teamviewer. RDP is more than likely going to be your best option. There is no additional software to purchase no matter which of these options you decide to go with. IMPO

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As CA2OR said, you have everything you need so there shouldn't be any problems setting it up. This should get you going:




Configure your laptop to automatically connect to your wireless network. When it connects to your router, you will then be able to connect to your laptop computer from your desktop computer via remote desktop.

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