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Discovery HD tonight - shallow seas


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Like I said, Try resetting your comcast equipment....we doubled speeds (as I am willing to bet you do not pay for the 50mb down and 10mb up). Speeds were doubled for free to all customers.

I'm certainly not insulted, rather trying to understand what is being said and what the issue is :)

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not to mention that they had to send 2 installers out here because the first one was unaware that the devices he was installing had to either be provisioned or configured with Comcast. The phone lines were hooked up incorrectly, the line he ran to my router he didn't feel needed to go to the WAN port so he just ran it to whatever was available. Which normally would be fine....if he didn't disconnect my web server to do it. The second guy they sent out was much better and satisfied me.

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not insulted but if you dont get anything over 5mb you shouldnt be pay 150$ if thats the max then you should only be paying 33-45 ....once again not offended just confused about your numbers and we get this all the time from people who just dont know what their speed tier is...and wisdom is power......and I'm not trying to say you dont know what your talking about....not offended and not trying to offend you.

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Fair enough....maybe I should put a call in and see if they offer something above what I signed up for. I just got Comcast about 2 maybe 3 months ago. Did they release anything since then? When I called them I was pretty straight forward..."I want the fastest internet you can give me, Static IP (which I never got) and HDTV with all HD channels, HBO, SHO, make sure Discovery and National Geographic are included.

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There are 3 of us 'comcasters' on the boards now that I know of. Fishiefish's husband works there and now mat...err..mrgreenthumb.

How is it going Mrgreenthumb?



I love it!!!!! Best job i'll ever have!!!! Plan on making it a career :D. It's great looking forward to work, and when everyone you work with feels the same!

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CA2OR - are you joking about the internet speed? reset your comcast router and it will double - as of the 22nd december. We actually offer some of the fastest speeds around now. I know when I am hard-wired into my router it is insanely fast ...just ran a speedtest on dslreports and I am getting 21' date='659kbps down and 4493 kbps up. Now, I don't know what your speeds are or if you need a tech to come out, but these speeds are quite good. Are you configured correctly on your end? and I only get the standard speeds as an employee (unless I want to pay).[/quote']


I was going to say the same thing haha I get 29,889kps down and 14,655kps up-and thats the standard as well no speed tier here!!

wireless is still over 10kps up and down.

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I provide remote support, now that I moved here, for several law firms and other business in SoCal, as well as houses. Trying to drop the houses though. In addition I work for a company out here that does alternative energy, providing support for them as well. I guess to answer your question....based of what I do, do now I would say I do consulting, until I get going out here with local companies.


OK so for you Comcast employee's....what is the funniest thing you have heard while on a service call?

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are you a tech mrgreenthumb? what does cador2 do? nand finally yes they recently added the 50 10 down like this month...and comcast doesnt have static ip sorry. if you wanna pm me my husband has his work computer and he can look at your signal levels and let you know if its bad...he might be able to see which tier your on.

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are you a tech mrgreenthumb? what does cador2 do? nand finally yes they recently added the 50 10 down like this month...and comcast doesnt have static ip sorry. if you wanna pm me my husband has his work computer and he can look at your signal levels and let you know if its bad...he might be able to see which tier your on.


Tech in training :D

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OH you don't even want to get me started on dirty houses. I went to one and they had 19 in door cats....no litter box. They allowed the cats to use an entire bedroom for a litter box and never cleaned it. I have had roach infestations IN computers, people shoving CD's into 5 1/4 floppy drives. Using CDROM as coffee cup holders. You name it.

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michael(my honey) had one where went to a trailer park, the trailer was like a landfill ...and came fully equiped with cat pee and two rascals parked in the middle of the living room....by their morbidly obesse owners....he's also had people start smoking pot while he's there and even seen black pitch filled syringes in houses.

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