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Discovery HD tonight - shallow seas


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Ah.....I still have no "real" complaints about them. I am not impressed with their DVR cause it is a ....well....anyway. Let's just say I have had much better. But as far as their HD goes they are great. They dont offer very fast internet speeds either. I have their top of the line with the speed booster or whatever they call it and it still can't touch the internet speeds I was getting in vegas. But there isn't much competition out here so they dont have to get good equipment or fast speeds.

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CA2OR - are you joking about the internet speed? reset your comcast router and it will double - as of the 22nd december. We actually offer some of the fastest speeds around now. I know when I am hard-wired into my router it is insanely fast ...just ran a speedtest on dslreports and I am getting 21,659kbps down and 4493 kbps up. Now, I don't know what your speeds are or if you need a tech to come out, but these speeds are quite good. Are you configured correctly on your end? and I only get the standard speeds as an employee (unless I want to pay).

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I am positive my equipment is configured correctly. I will try the reset of the comcast modem/router, but I have a feeling they are going to need to replace it. I am not trying to sound arrogant by saying i am positive about my equipment, but I have been a network admin for the last 10 years and a technician for over 14.

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OK....when I monitor my DL speeds I watch it vary anywhere from 42k to over 5mb. When I was with other ISP's I would get consistant speeds that didn't change back and forth. It is "very" quick when you first start to DL something, especially when the file is small. But I do large data transfers, remote sessions, and numerous other activities and I watch the speed go from blazing fast to a turtles pace. Maybe I am spoiled. But I am considering dropping comcast for their ISP, but there is nobody better out here unless you want to try and see if Towerstream covers here. I would not change comcast for verizon...mostly for personal issues. I used to be contracted by Verizon and Comcast for that matter in SoCal. You know what to avoid insulting anyone else I will just drop out of this conversation.

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i meant no insult to anyone here Mark and Fishie included. It is just my opinion. I have had interaction with several ISP's in my line of work so I get spoiled at times. To say this clearly. Comcast is more than likely the best ISP out here. But that is where it stops.

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