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Pet rats anyone?


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Notes: All ages, sizes and sexes need homes immediately! 1000 rats were rescued from a hoarder in California and all need homes or will be euthanized. A transport has been set up from mid-California to Washington state. If you have room in your home for even a pair of these wonderful creatures please let me know and I'll make sure I provide you with more information. If you would like to know more, please email me at tlvhadoptions@gmail.com http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/06/23/BAGFDJJ61J21.DTL


900 Rats Need Homes!

I contacted them and apparently they will be coming through with the rats on Saturday. And of course I won't be home as I promised a friend in Beaverton that I would visit. But the lady contacted me and told me that she would be vacationing in Oregon next month, so hopefully I'll get a couple then so I can help out! I'd hate to see the poor things euthanized!


I've never personally cared for a rat, but I knew someone that had one and it was just the neatest thing. It was very sweet!


So if anyone has ever thought of getting a rat, now might be the time to do it!

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Horrible! Well, I guess I'll see. I've never had a pet rat before! I think they're terribly cute though! Man, that would suck if they had a makeup habit! Well, at least someone in this house would wear the stuff. I can't believe someone hoarded that many of them. That had to be pretty... nasty! Can you imagine the smell? Ugh!

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i would get some for my son but..... i have a cat thats a killin machine and a jack russell terrier..not to good of odds for the rat....something tells me it wouldnt die off old age...lol

Jay is crazy cat man, so I'm going to have to make sure the rats are in the office with the door firmly shut and no kitties! Unless I'm in here. I broke the news to Dad tonight and he was none to pleased about the upcoming addition to the family. Course, at 35 I wasn't exactly asking if it was okay either! (laugh)

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