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Water Loss, Wait Time For Salt Mix


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I have a small hole drilled in my u-tube with airline going to the venturi on a small powerhead so that it can start itself after power failure etc. to start it manually i think you could use a airline, stick it in your u-tube and suck or blow water into the u-tube to fill it (something along those lines, never done it myself). I rarely mix my h20 for the recommended 24 hrs, usually just until I get the salt mixed in and temp close to tank temp, couple hours max. Have had no problems. good luck!

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Lost about 10-15 gallons down into my sump/refugiun. It was no huge deal after all, I lost the connection at the return pump, and luckly I was sitting blury eyed from loss of sleep watch the tank, and half asleep. When all of the sudden I hear water spraying and hitting the bottom of my tank. I lost water on the floor when I pulled the return line out of the tank and stupid me forgot that the hose in the sump would use gravity and drain out on the floor whe it fell out of the 30 gallon tote for my water changes.


Thanks to Michael 7979 for staying up until after 1 AM holding my hand with stupid questions about how to fix it. And a big thanks to "Cheif" President for your great info about the plastic wrap. It worked great, I had to do it a few more time just because it was so easy.


I am happy to have the oportunity to get to know everyone on here and to get the much needed help and advise as a beginner.


Thanks to all again



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