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I bought my most recent one from autotopoff.com, I wish I'd discovered it sooner! You can get a new one for around same price you're wanting to spend anyway with warranty, it's nice because you can pick every piece and put it together how you'd like. I just bought a standard double switch around for $48 and a small pump for another $8, they have ones for nano tanks for $38 or single switch ones for $36 I believe, all you'd need is a pump they sell them for $8-$12 I believe. The owner is very responsive if you have any questions and he sends it out fast. First pic is the one I bought, they have several types choose from074be51b90bbe18e5cfb3bb7f4c2d325.jpg033c060a241bc981027e3a1af780a690.jpg

Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk

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