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Okay, now you can call ME stupid!


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Tonight I noticed a little red box down in the lower right-hand corner of my browser and decided to investigate by clicking on it. All this stuff about "enabling pop-ups" came up which caused me to recall something about the LPP system needing them enabled. So I changed my setting.


I come back on tonight... okay, this morning. My sleeping schedule is messed up again. Why, oh why must I be a nocturnal person! But I digress!


I get a LPP from Keith. And I answer it, asking him if he was in stealth mode because I couldn't see him on the "active users" list. I'm the only idiot up this late... or early, depending on your interpretation. Then I get another from him and answer it, probably saying something equally boneheaded. Then I get a LPP from Roy. Finally the light bulb flicked on over my head! I was receiving back messages!


So that was my "stupid" moment! Enable your pop-ups, kids! And when you do and you get a barrage of messages... take the time to notice the date so you don't come across as a numbskull like I did! And LPP messagers... if you think someone is ignoring you, tell them to turn on their frickin' pop-ups! laugh


It's a good thing I've decided to return to college. I think my brain is starting to atrophy! :eek:



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