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Red Sea Max 130D


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Any other RSM owners out there? Just curious to see your progress, upgrades, stocking, problems, successes, etc.


On July 31st I setup my 34g nano RSM after a four year dry spell. I won this tank back when SEA-MAX was in Seattle for $5 in their grand prize raffle drawing :)


Over the years I've upgraded the tank with:

•Apex Classic controller,

•DIY Cree LED array,

• Added 2-part dosing with BRS,

• Carbon dosing bio-pellets with TLF's CPR nano reactor,

• Replaced RSM's skimmer with a Hydor Slim Skim skimmer,

• Added an MP10 with Ecotech's backup battery,


Tomorrow I'm placing a 5" reactor from BRS on board for Rox GAC and GFO only if needed later, I'll mix it in with the Rox if so.


The only other thing I can see myself putting on this tank is a WXM module, and a Tunze Osmolator at some point.


Automation is really important for me as I'm pretty busy with a lot of other things going on so maintenance is streamlined for me. Couple hours spread out over the week is enough :) Don't get me wrong, I love to dabble when I can!


The tank is almost ready for stocking some corals and I'm really interested to know what raises really well in these smaller systems? I'm assuming Zoas, some other softies, LPS, and some SPS are in order. I'm a little nervous about mushrooms, but I love they're displaying colors. Xenia always looks great, but it has to be tamed. I've done GSP as a beginner years ago and learned quickly the possible issues that could ensue and got rid of it.


Anyway, thanks for any suggestions and recommendations!





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