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Hydra 26 in 29 gallon Biocube


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Can someone please post their current .aip file with schedule and light intensity? I have the Hydra about 10" over the water and just dont feel like I am getting the best intensity for max coral growth.  Thank you!


In your director site next to the copy and paste is a download, that is the file I am looking for.

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You should drop the light to about 5 1/2" - 8" above the water and when using the Nano I found the best results for the Blue/Royal Blue (for you B/RB/Violet/UV to be as high as possible and the whites to be 35 - 40, I got better results when I stopped simulating dusk and dawn and ran a 12 hour cycle from 9 - 9

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unfortunately I haven't found a way to do that with the AI fixtures, I have had the Nano, and currently have a Hydra 26 & a Prime and with that many colors haven't found a good Actinic look from them. The Kessil Blue lights do an awesome job at it though, and I got to see some Reef Stars that did the same as well. I think it's the Violet/UV/Red/Green that prevent the look but I could be wrong

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Blue/Deep Blue/Violet/UV won't fry corals, I can appreciate your concern so jack those up to 80% and watch it for a couple weeks and move up from there on those you might feel more comfortable after you see no negative effects. The white/green will fry corals on the other hand do not jump those up like that slowly move those up, and don't even bother with the Red. I wouldn't even take your white/green over 40% and thats with time incrementing them. Personally I have greens completely off as I like the blue look and that channel seems to interfere with it.

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Yup you can adjust the blue/Violet/Deep Blue/UV to how you want it for coloration in regards to how close to Actinic you can get it, but that's how you do it! If your stressed about it man just drop them down to 40 and move them up 10% weekly and the whites up at 2%-5% weekly but if you keep a close eye on your corals you will notice they won't dislike it. You can also speak to bombertech who's our resident LED expert for clarification. Be awware I think he gets a ton of PM's so it can take a day or two for a response but from my experience he will gladly answer any questions you might have.

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Oh just so you know I had the AI Nano set W:40/B:85/RB:85 for a long time and it looked very similar to that maybe not as blue but pretty close and my corals went nuts from the increased PAR levels, it was a night a and day difference in growth after having the fixture installed over the tank for 3 years with no real results @ w:35/B:40/RB:40 

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