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Silicone ?


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Ok so a lot of the silicone I used on the acrylic in the tank as support for the glass on the bottom of the tank is stuck to the original black silicone to my jbj. How hard, and safe do you guys think its going to be to remove the black silicone. And re-silicone the tank. Here's some pic's




That clear silicone is right on the black silicone of the jbj. Suggestions


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I don't get it what are u trying to do ? I just put a new glass panel in my 40 because is was cheaper to just buy a piece of glass and silicone . Than a whole new 40 drilled with a new over flow I got the tank free and repaired it but let me tell you it was a pain in the butt to get the glass out without cracking it . Are you trying to make it rimless ? All I can say is make sure u take your time and get brand new flexi razor blades .. Again take your time .

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