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Zoanthid Colony shriveling up!?!?!


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Put in high flow the other day, they seem to have stopped decaying at this point. I've been giving them and iodine bath every other day and they are improving a little.


I did however notice that at night both my sexy shrimp are right on top of them picking away. Thinking back, they did start to close up around the time I got them in there.


I dont have any anemones in the tank yet, could it be that the sexy shrimp are just harrassing these particular zoas for lack of an anemone??

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Have you tested the water for phosphates, TDS, ammonia, nitrates, nitrites and pH? I mean if you are mixing SW up in water that is already hard, you may have a pH problem. There are a ton of possibilities that arise if you don't use RO water because its so basic. RO water has been processed thru several types of filtration to achieve a perfectly pure neutral water.

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I have taken it to the LFS several times and have asked them to test it for everything that could be wrong with it they have found nothing. Unless they are not testing for somthing I have never had any high levels of anything nor have I had anyproblems with any corals. Felt pretty lucky about it too.

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Iron and arsenic jump immediately to mind. If you take a sample to your city water utility, they'll be able to run a full test for you for about $10. If there is any agriculture nearby (as in, near your aquifer not necessarily your house) you run a significant risk of coliform bacteria. The last time I was on well water I had to have a serious filtration and UV system put in (like $2500-serious).

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