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How Long???


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I just got a red coris wrasse on Sat! Got him in the tank. Noticed him being chased a little. Went back later he is no where to be found. I assume he has buried himself. Next day I look no signs of him. None to be found. I looked every where for him(on the floor as well). As of yesterday I still have not seen him. I got a melanurus wrasse yesterday(To go in the other tank). He was in the tank 30 min eating bugs and worms. I watched him bury himself. So my question is how long will these guys stay burried. And should I be worried there is a coris wrasse carcass poluting my tank?

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It was getting chased by the female maroon clown. The maroon never actually attack it that I could see. Would just chase it when the wrasse swam past their(clowns) cave. I thought fish need to pass water over their gills to breath. I did not know they could stay in the sand that long. I am going to buy a book on wrasses tonight if I can find one.

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Maroon clowns are some of the meanest clown's i have encounted besides the tomatoes. I used to have a pair of mated Gold striped maroon clowns in a 55 gal tank and she pretty much would not let me put other fish in the tank. She chased around a flame angel for 2 weeks before i decided to get rid of the maroon's. It was not worth it to have a mated pair if i could not have other fish in the system.


Wrasses will sleep in the sandbed at night. they bury themselves all the way but sometimes they leave their mouths out facing into the current this is done so they can breath.( i actually never really thought about this until now but makes since to me as i have seen my 3 wrasses do this)

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