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Stupid Cleaner shrimp.


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I have a stupid cleaner shrimp.Every time i spot feed anything he steals

the food from all of them.Now he is stealing the food when i try and feed my carpet nem.

It looks like he is picking little pieces of skin off the anemone.Will he end up killing it?

Is it stressing out the anemone that he is doing this?Should i take out the cleaner shrimp?(flame)(flame)(threaten)

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Cleaner shrimp and a few other shrimps when they get real accustomed to the tank can get aggressive at feeding time. Best thing you can do is to give them a a big chunk to eat on first or cover your corals when feeding.


After you get tired of doing that sell it or give it away and get another.

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Shrimp on the barbie.


Sweet Mary, You stole the words right out of my mouth....LOL



If I have learned anything in this hobby, its that if I keep LPS or anything that you are wanting to feed, that I will never...EVER have any kind of shrimp in with it....I actually got to the point of seriously wanting to design a minuture spear gun so I could spear the sucker....At first when I got in to Reef Tanks, I thought shrimp where pretty cool, I have quickly become very ANTIShrimp...and consider them for food purposes only....I have had Cleaner Shrimp, Peppermint Shrimp, Blood/Fire Shrimp....and they all eventually did the same thing, even after target feeding them till they seemed to not be able to eat any more, BUT they would still go and pick food out of all my LPS....


There are two things I will never own again.....SHRIMP....and 6-Line Wrasses....Those do the same thing....I hate them! If I where you I would catch that sucker and sell it, trade it, flush it...whatever....LOL

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I also hate my cleaner shrimp. He picks at my sps, harasses my poor clownfish and whenever I glew a frag and have to keep my arm very still for a couple of minutes he jumps on it and starts pulling arm hairs out, it hurts like hell and there is nothing I can do about it.


Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

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It looks like he is picking little pieces of skin off the anemone.Will he end up killing it?

Is it stressing out the anemone that he is doing this?


This worries me a bit. While cleaner shrimp are normally right there when food is in the tank they normally will not pick little pieces of skin of nems or corals unless (and this is what worries me) they are dead or dying. Do you have a pic of the anemone? Might help if we can see it to see if there is a potential problem with it.

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I love my cleaner shrimp. Has never been a problem for me. He just hangs out in front and occasionally takes a ride on a tangs back around the tank. Pretty cool watching him clean fish. Once he even offered to clean my nails ;)

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Our cleaner shrimp would do the same thing . Always stealing food. We started swatting at it With the target feeder and he finally got the hint. He stays out of the way all day long and romes the tank at night. Origianally he was the other bast*** brother but learned his way.lol


Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

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