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Anyone Intrested In White Pom Pom Xenia


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I have a nice little colony of White Pom Pom Xenia. Once it grows to the size I want I am going to keep it well trimmed. Would any of you guys be interested in frags of it and what would be a fair price? I wont have frags of it for months, I am just seeing if anyone would be interested down the road.


Here is a link: http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=597+1492+2295+2366&pcatid=2366

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That is the xenia that most are looking for...... so I'm sure there will be interested parties when you are ready.


OK, good.


I really would like some pink pom pom xenia. I used to have tons and tons of it in my old tank years ago. I know some people don't care for xenia - but I loved it! Beth.


Yeah, it is also one of my favorite corals. I love how the "hands" open and close, it is very unique.

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  • 1 month later...

I am going to frag my fiji white pom pom xenia and I should have a couple frags available. The frags should be in the $15-$20 range depending on their size, I am also open for trades. If you are going to the february meeting I can bring it to you then. Here are pictures of the main colony. Ill post pictures of the individual frags once they are cut.






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Ok, the fragging was successful. I have three frags available for people going to the February meeting. If you are not going to the meeting but still want a xenia frag, let me know and I will cut you one at a later date. Again these frags are only available for people going to the February meeting.


Here is a picture of the very angry xenia right after fragging. I'll post another picture of them once they settle in.



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Well this is disappointing. I came home and found all of my frag plugs with nothing on them and a bunch of xenia caught in my powerhead. This was my first attempt at fragging a coral and I guess it didn't go so well. My main colony is down to one stalk after all the fragging, so I will not be able to do anymore frags to replace the ones that got chopped up. I am sorry, but I have no frags for sale anymore.

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rubber bands are tricky to get just the right pressure. they usually end up cutting through and setting them frags free. i like to take a shallow container w/ very small bits of rubble or crushed coral and place a netting material over the top. you can do the same thing with a small piece of LR too. frags should attach in just a couple days.

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Back in the day when I had my pom pom forest I did 2 things. The easiest was just to place a small rubble rock right next to the stalk or a bit above the stalk and it would grow right on within days to a week or two. The other thing that I did was to cut the stalk at the base with scissors then skewer the stalk with a toothpick. Then secure the toothpick to a rock with a rubber band. That way it definitely stays put. After the stalk attaches to the rock then remove the rubber band and the toothpick. This works like a charm ---- but it is quite slimy and very stinky.


I really, really want some pom pom xenia again. I have some silvertip xenia now - have 2 good sized frag colonies - anybody want any????

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The other thing that I did was to cut the stalk at the base with scissors then skewer the stalk with a toothpick. Then secure the toothpick to a rock with a rubber band. That way it definitely stays put. After the stalk attaches to the rock then remove the rubber band and the toothpick. This works like a charm ---- but it is quite slimy and very stinky.


Be careful not to secure BOTH sides of the toothpick with any significant amount of pressure on them...the toothpick will end up slicing thorough the frag just like what happened with the rubberband here.

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