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Does anyone use RodsFood ??


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I some rods food last week and the fish love it and I don't know about the coral but we shall see after awhile (laugh). I just have the original flavor . I just wanted to see if anyone other than me using it ?? Just wanted to see if anyone had thoughts on this at all



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I was curious if they use any kind of gel binder, is the stuff cubed? I am always hesitant in using these mixed foods as they seem so messy, and a great way to build up waste, unless you have a large enough clean up crew.


I only have a few fish, and have tried foods like this and was not happy with it, I personally don't like the gel binder they use to keep everything "together"...


Is Rod's Food like that at all? I don't see any "Gel Binder" in the list of ingredients, so maybe they don't use it, I might have to give it a try...

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David, they dont use anything but sterile water when they frreze it. It comes in flat sheets and is just an all around awesome food. Honestly even if forced to choose i dont think i could tell you which one i like better, Roberts gumbo or the rods food, theyre both awesome foods. Basically what im saying is you cant go wrong with rods food, its worth buying if you dont want to go through the hassel of making your own lol. Its got everything you need to feed a reef system in each packet, all you do is cut or break of chunks n swish it in the tank lol.

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Guess I must be an outlier -- I used to really like Rod's Food but it seems to me that now it is, for lack of a better word, "over-ground". Most of the protein has been reduced to a fine mush that my fish mostly ignore (my skimmer loves it though). Adding insult to injury, there is the occasional giant piece of krill or squid that only Moby Dick would like.

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I tried it but I'm with Andy. Its like a raw fish slushy. Plus it gave me some cyano.


But my fish seemed to enjoy it. I usually found a nice sized silverside or piece of squid to feed my rhizo too. Its got a great assortment of stuff, just ground up to much.


In the end my tank seems to do best with just plain old mysis thawed out beforehand.

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Go to one of those asian stores that sell all the live and fresh sea food. Get a little bit of everything, throw in blender, freeze. This can really let you make food specifically for your inhabitants. Look at the ingredient list on rods food or similar, that can give you some ideas. The last time I made food I had squid,clams,oysters,muscles,octopus,a few different fish, various sea weeds, brine shrimp, krill, I dumped in vitamin additives and I think I even put in some veggies.

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i have made our own food too and it was quite inexpencive compaired to buying.never used rods or roberts. fish and coral love it. one batch cost of ingrediants, about $30.00(including a tube of cyclo-peeze) it lasted us over three months. we tend to feed a little heavy too. simular ingrediants as finch plus garlic cloves! fish go crazy when feeding.

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