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peppermint apocolypse


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It started with five tiny peppermints. Now I have an explosion going on. There's ALWAYS a pregnant female or two loaded with eggs, which was really cute the first few times. Then I started thinking "wow, this seems like it's always happening" (scratch)


Now I'm starting to see little gyrating pink shrimp in every nook and cranny.. which is fine. Even cute. Except that they've STARTED EATING MY ZOO!!! (cussing)


I'm pretty sure they're peppermints and not camelbacks. They just started in on this particular zoo right after it arrived UPS a couple wks ago. A few polyps in the back didn't make it, so they ate those (which you'd expect).. but now they've started gnawing the LIVE ONES and have killed everything in the back. They've got a taste for blood!! (scary)


I can't find any evidence anywhere the peppermints might each zoos. I found a site that said they're suspected of gnawing LPS on occasion.


I took these pics like 5 min ago.. There are 2 of them going at it right now (and one waiting in the background). :mad:

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pepermint=satan spawn.


they are hungry little guys and they like to eat soft things, not all though, some are nice. But given the chance to they will eat polyps and zoos and softies, and anemones, and lps.


I forgot i had one in a fuge, and moved a rock from fuge to tank... and it was hiding in the rock. Within 4 hours it had eatten a 1.5 inch hole through my sebae anemone.

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ya they normally like anenomes so anything from that family is usually eaten. so zoos or polys from frog spawn but you just need to start feeding them more i use sinking formula 1 pellets just from like 20 or so on the sand bed every other day thats should keep then full atleast mine are with that i have 2 pep's and 2 cleaners

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I certainly hope so (slim odds, that is)... I mean, nothing wrong with being a man, but my husband might have some issues (laugh)


Well, because my fav new zoos are about to be shrimpsnack, I took a nice photo of them... Notice the (censored) preying on it. I hope it gets indigestion...

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just add some pieces of dead prawns or popcorn shrimp i qarantee theyll live them alone after that and you might need to do this regularly for awhile, sounds like you dont feed much or your fish are really good at getting most of the food so you need to supplement some for the shrimp or they will eat your zoo's.

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