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Scott Fellman Aquascaping Battle


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That event really surprised me as to how popular the event was. There was a constant crowd throughout the day watching the two contestants. In the beginning, I thought the event was a bit odd......but, it really turned out to be a really worthwhile and popular. event. I was drafted to be one of the judges......and although I was pulling for Scott, he made a couple of key blunders that cost him the title. During the after party, we had a long conversation about it.Oh well....maybe next year.

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I originally had planned to go to Denver to see this tank in person:




since it was designed similar to what I want to do with my next warm water reef. After arranging a visit through a Denver buddy of mine ( Jake Adams ), he suggested that I just come for Reefstock. I'm glad I did. Prior to the show, I went on a tank tour of the large local tanks....a 1200....a 1500....a 1000.....etc. Denver is quite the hotbed of reef activity.


The tank linked above is a 1200 SPS dominated reef owned by Steve Hurlock. As a homebuilder, I'm seldom impressed by a house.....but, his was the exception. His house is at the 9000 foot level in the Rockies overlooking the entire Denver mertro area. There's snow on the ground pretty much year round.


The tank was quite exceptional....certainly one of the best SPS tanks I've personally visited. This tank was only two years old and it had several coral heads that were in the 24" range.....I couldn't believe the growth !!! Jake was saying that all the "Mountain Folk" experience the same growth compared to the lower elevation Denverites. He thinks that the lower O2 levels and higher N levels at that elevation might be the reason since elevation is the only difference. That would make an interesting study.


Anyway....Reefstock itself was small; but, quite impressive. There were about 15 coral vendors and each had fantastic stuff (and I'm a coral snob). There were also about 5 different lighting vendors and about 10 Misc vendors. Featured were four speaker presentations......each was quite good (especially Paul Whitby's on Aquascaping). The event was one day.....and I'd say maybe 400 people attended. There was a $10 entrance fee. If our local club ever has ambitions to put one of these on.....they should try to attend this event next year. It was fairly well run with a good diversity of vendors.


This event was held at the Downtown Aquarium of Denver. I've been to many public aquariums around the country....and although small....this one was really nice. It puts to shame our OCA. I was fortunate to get a backstage tour too......very impressive.


The best thing though.....was a Mexican restaurant across the street that featured 60 (Yes 60) ounce margaritas. Unfortunately, there are pictures out there somewhere of that afternoon.

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Ive been to your house for a club meeting and was very impressed with the beauty of your house and aquarium.


Cant imagine what this place must of looked like for you to be impressed with it, must of been something.


A Judge for an aquascaping contest, wow, that must of been so cool.

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