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lighting help


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so im setting up my first salt tank. and i have a 50/50 light 10k. tube style. just was wondering what i should do. i plan on getting into the soft coral. i do like the 20k light. they look like big hid bulbs. but have no idea what to pay for a set up. also i would like to do moon lights. any help please. see my attachment if i did this right so u can see what my tank looks like.


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Welcome to the site!


Not sure i follow, you have the 50/50 light already and are asking what type of light you should witch to for the lps or softies?


It will be a good ideat to let folks know the size of tank and possibly clarify-It sounds like you have a bulb and want to know if it will work.

Wattage would be needed to know as well as tank size.


Welcome again

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Another welcome, as mentioned there are too many details lacking. When you say tube style is this a flourescent bulb or a metal halide? Since you said it is a 50/50 I'm going to guess it is some type of flourescent (Normal, Capact, or VHO). Judging by the hydrometer height next to the tank it looks like the tank is around 20" to 22" deep. If so you will probably want 175w mh lights or equivalent in T5 or VHO for softies. Bump that up to 250w or 400w for SPS. The bulb color (temperature) itself effects both the aesthetic appearance and the coral growth. Lights close to the same temperature as the sun (6500k) tend to have faster growth while the higher temp lights (towards 20k) tend to get better color from the corals. 14k and up include the spectrum that covers the actinics to some extent which help to make flourescent colored corals pop out. This is just a little general info. though. We will need to find out the specifics on your current lighting and tank size as well (Both capacity and depth).

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When I first got into salt water I had a very similar lighting set up. It was a 50/50 fourescent tube. I willd definatley want to upgrade to at least compact flourescents or if you want to be able to keep more than just softies, you should probably upgrade to either HO t-5's or metal halide lighting. Both will allow you to keep a large variety of corals and invertibrates such as anemones and clams but metal halides(MH) are still probably the ultimate way to go.


For you size tank, I would recommend either a 24" 4 or 6 bulb t-5 fixture or retrofit custom canopy or a 24" retro/fixture 150-250w MH with either actinic CF or t-5 supplementation. You can get away without running actinic supplementation if you go with a 20K MH bulb also.


There are lots of good people on this forumn that can definatley help you with your lighting questions and needs. Just remember that if you upgrade to t-5's or MH, you want need to upgrade again as your coral tastes change. Most of us start out likeing softies and things with alot of movement but then sort of transition into corals that are a bit more light demanding.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good choice! I have a very similar 250w MH with 8 mood led's and double actinics and really like it. I have found that even though I have enough light, SPS seems to fade away after a week or so. I stopped getting SPS frags ( thanks dj_giannti, claythesavagefraser and others) until my tank becomes " seasoned". Some say it takes between 8 months and a year to start effectively growing stonies. My softies grow well in that light set up with a 15k though. I recently added another SPS and a LPS frag ( thanks algae) and they seem to be doing fine...it's been up now for 3 months

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