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Green Pallys encroaching on reddish brown & orange zoos.

Hog Head

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I would Kalk paste them or kill them off another way. Lemon juce, aptaisa x, joes juice. I would just get rid of them. Those thing will invade your entire tank if they are allowed to. They grow really fast and are hard to get rid of when they are in numbers. They are a common proto palyathoa and are a bit deceiving as they seem cool at first until they overgrow all of your zoas and such.


Of course you could always razor them off and give them to Blain :)




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Hard to tell but they look like protopalys.


Yah razor blade under them is going to be your best bet. Try to slice a small sliver of rock under them and pull them off. Kalk any flesh you might have missed cuz they will grow back. Luckily you are acting now, those zoas would be toast if you continue to let the protopalys grow.

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I would Kalk paste them or kill them off another way. Lemon juce, aptaisa x, joes juice. I would just get rid of them. Those thing will invade your entire tank if they are allowed to. They grow really fast and are hard to get rid of when they are in numbers. They are a common proto palyathoa and are a bit deceiving as they seem cool at first until they overgrow all of your zoas and such.


Of course you could always razor them off and give them to Blain :)





Hard to tell but they look like protopalys.


Yah razor blade under them is going to be your best bet. Try to slice a small sliver of rock under them and pull them off. Kalk any flesh you might have missed cuz they will grow back. Luckily you are acting now, those zoas would be toast if you continue to let the protopalys grow.


Thanks fellas. I guess I will have to get my blades and Aptasia-X out. I don't want to lose my Zoas. They started from about 4-5 polyps.

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