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    Portland, OR

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Sailfin Tang

Sailfin Tang (3/15)



  1. He just wanted an excuse to show off his goods (will he take the bait?πŸ˜€)
  2. If I put this on my curb, it will be gone in 2 hours. I am just trying to give someone on here a chance at a free tank. Must be gone by Friday.
  3. The title says it all. It's just the tank/stand, and I did an initial cleaning with vinegar but probably needs another round. I'll keep this open until Thursday August 1st. Then it goes onto the curb where I am sure someone will pick it up. Please PM me for address. I am located in inner SE PDX (Kerns/Laurelhurst neighborhoods).
  4. I read on a forum somewhere that you should order Dr Tim's from the manufacturer directly. Something to do with shelf life and better efficacy. Anyway, my $0.02.
  5. Funny in the sense that Zebras have a big β€˜X’ marked on them by colorization. Surprising that they are not extinct. But the True Facts dude is by far the winner for true humor!
  6. Lol, I would have shaked my head if I got banned for that. Just wanted people to watch it. Bobbitt worms are so freaky, i love watching videos on them. Even better when it’s the true facts dude!
  7. Ok, most of you will love this. Some of you will not. It is sort of inappropriate, but only for the most sensitive of silly adults. Don't watch when kids or bosses are around. You have been warned (perhaps a little too warned): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DH9IZ01Qqg
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