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Introduction of HR 669


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I am not trying to alarm anyone. These bills have been introduced in the past and failed.


The Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act (H.R. 669), introduced by Del. Madeleine Bordallo (D-Guam) Chair of the Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans and Wildlife of the House Natural Resources Committee would totally revamp how nonnative species are regulated under the Lacey Act.



It may be worth your time to contact your Representative if you are concerned about this.




Reading though the full text of HR 699, it looks like if something like this were to be passed, it could affect all non-native fish, invertebrates, and corals.


You may need to right-click on the link, then save.

Full Text HR 669



Be aware there are many people opposed to the keeping of aquariums, birds, reptiles, or any other animal outside of domestic species. If passed, a bill such as this would virtually shut down the pet industry. We would however, be allowed to maintain an an aquarium containing goldfish(Carassius auratus).


What can you do?


Say No To HR 669 http://www.nohr669.com/

by sending an e-mail letter today. I chose the option to send letters that will be hand delivered to my Representative's and Senators' offices on Capitol Hill. Please consider doing the same! The No HR 669 site makes this very simple to do. http://www.nohr669.com/


John Manrow

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uh oh... Blaine... what did you tell them??(scary)


I said ":You dirty rotten son's of b must have better thing to do that to pick on loving and caring pet owners. Our creatures, whether fish. foul or furry. Reptilian or even creepy crawlers. There our friends and companions. If you even think of taking this God given right I will personally bring all my Reefers with the sharpest, most jagged pieces of captive raised corals we have and shouve them up the dard spot you sit on. And for all you so called ladie's on HR--699 where going to bring all our eels a nd wipe our your clam's. So in conclusion PISS OFF" From all the Reefer's in the world that don't smoke the grass they grow. And maybe a few who do. WE STAND UNITED"


Was that too week??




Should I have told them what I really think???(naughty)




(editid for strong language and point of viewDOH!)

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Show me why we need to do it then I will listen. Dont just tell me and expect me to blindly follow just because someone says that what we need to do.


This is a big hunk of crap, I will call my Mayor on Monday, I have her # on speed dail then I will call my legislator and then fire off emails.


I tell you they just keep chipping away little by little. The way you eat an elephant is one bite at a time and these people are doing just that. Our freedoms are under attack everyday. We need to stay united and fight the good fight.

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I said ":You dirty rotten son's of b must have better thing to do that to pick on loving and caring pet owners. Our creatures, whether fish. foul or furry. Reptillian or even creepy callers. There our friends and companions. If you even think of taking this God given right I will personally bring all my Reelers with the sharpest, most jagged pieces of captive raised corals we have and shouve them up the dard spot you sit on. And for all you so called ladie's on HR--699 where going to bring all our eels a nd wipe our your clam's. So in conclusion PISS OFF" From all the Reefer's in the world that don't smoke the grass they grow. And maybe a few who do. WE STAND UNITED"


Was that too week??




Should I have told them what I really think???(naughty)




(editid for strong language and point of viewDOH!)

Was that too week??




Should I have told them what I really think???(naughty)

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I sent an email off. I have a son that has really gotten into SW and reptiles. I would hate to see him lose the interest that has started to show because we can't keep these pets.


And what about all these teachers that use tanks as classroom tools? Really would hate to see them go away.


Yeah I know it is a long shot to pass but I felt I needed to do something.

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