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I bought my first frag!!!


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Saturday my wife and I went to waves and along with the 3 or 4 frags she picked up, I got my first piece :D...Its a small blue mushroom rock with 4 shrooms on it, the largest being about the size of a nickle...in 3 days all 4 heads at least doubled in size and a new one has also emerged...the largest is now bigger than a silver dollar (this is crazy, its been less than a week) (rock2)...i'll try get get a pic this weekend and post it on monday...do shrooms get any cool names like zoas...or do they just simple names like "blue mushrooms"?

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You can name them whatever pet name you want. But there still blue shrooms. Let's get those pictures up. Congratulations on your purchase.:)


I agree. Imho zoas are still red, blue, or orange zoas... naming all these corals is simply to aid in trading (rarely the main motivation), owner ego in needing to have something named after them, or to increase value for rip-off artists. These things are collected in huge mats and exported all over the world. There is no such thing as a unique zoa, the rest of it just went somewhere else... on top of that, there are millions more identical polyps in the ocean that will come in on a later shipment.




If you like the concept of a named coral TKD go right ahead... it should be for fun though :)



GRATS om the first frag!

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Ok, I know i'm starting to stray on the origin of this thread, but nano and I were looking at CL today for around a 75 to 90 gal. for pretty cheap...granted they don't cost very much and have amenities like skimmer/lighting above PC/stand & cabinet...but i was just thinking...is it worth risk of bad previous owner habits such as copper medicines or other things...should we just get a new one that has the exact features we want and pay the extra??...


advise...and baby we can discuss what to do about the upgrade after work together as well (it'll be easier to discuss in face to face)...te amo chica...and thanks to all for advise...

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(laugh)(laugh)That didn't take long for him to come around, It was just sunday at the meet-and-greet that you two were kicking the idea around. Now look what has come of it. I just went to Upscales to look around and i was shocked to see the prices on their stuff. I thought it was going to be way more expensive to buy the corals that i like, but it really isn't that much. I can't wait to get my tank up and running.

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