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So what if we tried to do are owen CFM

I would like to look into finding somewhere to hold it at … but there are a few things that need to be determined..


We would need a rough estimate of how many would show up? Once this is determined and a hall/meeting place is found we would have to come with a price for the ticket that reflects cost of room.


How many vendors should we expect? Who? (This way we could have vendors not just LFS)


How many would be willing to donate for a raffle prizes and for auction?


Also… maybe some of the LFS could bring some of the LE corals. It would be a nice addition to the LFS corals to get some LE’s too..


It may be nice to do it just like the CFM but with our own spin on it…


Last question….. how would we get tanks/lights at the location to hold the corals?

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So what if we tried to do are owen CFM

I would like to look into finding somewhere to hold it at … but there are a few things that need to be determined..A place would have to be in Portland to draw in the numbers needed. Close to Seattle, Mid-Columbia and so on.


We would need a rough estimate of how many would show up? Once this is determined and a hall/meeting place is found we would have to come with a price for the ticket that reflects cost of room. We can assume close to last years CFM for attendance


How many vendors should we expect? Who? (This way we could have vendors not just LFS)We have alot of vendors around here- PFO, SLS, PCI, Envision, and such. Could draw in a Seattle place or two.


How many would be willing to donate for a raffle prizes and for auction?This would be unknown and would need the most work


Also… maybe some of the LFS could bring some of the LE corals. It would be a nice addition to the LFS corals to get some LE’s too.. Possible just ask and a lot would probably be up for it


It may be nice to do it just like the CFM but with our own spin on it…


Last question….. how would we get tanks/lights at the location to hold the corals?

Toughest one, but the club could buy some 10/20g tanks and maybe get a sponsor to donate the lighting for a tank or two each for free booth space


These are my first thoughts.....

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In So Cal it is Reef a Palooza, I was at the last one.


Down there it started very grass roots. A BBQ at a guys house with lots of people bringing coolers with corals. The one a few months back was at a large fair grounds with many many people, speakers, and many sponsor tanks. I think I have pics if they would help. It was big.


Vendors bring there own tanks and lights, pay a fee for the booth. Company's like Dr Fosters and Smith, Reed Mariculture, PFO lighting, Aqua C, Ecosystems,Boyd, etc had booths with impressive displays. There were many local frag farmers that had booths open as well. Dr Fosters was just handing out shirts and bags of salt, not selling anything. Many of the vendors were promoting products not on the market yet. It was a three day event.


Companies donated items like Tunze waveboxe's, there was at least 10 skimmers some large, a complete Red Sea System, RODI units, an insane amount of stuff for the raffle. They sold hundreds of tickets between $1 and $5 dollars to help pay for the event. It was kind of sad when the Tunze wavebox had hundreds of tickets in the box and the Remora had only one, but paying $5 for a Remora is still a deal for some dude.


If someone really wants to organize it and speak with the reef a palooza organizers, I can make that happen. I was a SoCal reefer at one time, before I moved here.


I say start small, work big. Reef a Palooza started in a backyard, as the draw increases so can the event. IMHO starting to big with too big of immediate ambitions could kill the whole thing.



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Did you guys see Andy's idea?


Maybe we could do something like this:

The First Annual PNWMAS Coral Draft


1: Sell tickets for $50 ($75? $100? The larger the ticket price, the sweeter the corals in the Draft. Organizers would have to work closely with vendors when setting ticket prices, so we can be sure we'd be getting the level of corals we want)


2: Take the proceeds from the tickets and mass-buy LE ubercoral frags from sponsor(s). The number of corals bought would have to be 2x of the number of tickets sold (i.e. 50 tickets sold, 100 frags bought)


3: Have a club event where ticketholders are selected in random order to go up, one by one, to a tank holding all the corals and pick the frag of their choice. Once everyone has picked a coral, go through the list again in reverse order (that way, everyone gets a reasonable choice -- if you only went through the list once, the people at the end might feel they got the short end of the stick. Reversing the list the second time around means that the people who picked early in the first round pick late in the last, which seems fair to me).


4: Everyone goes home with two great corals that they picked, so it feels like browsing at the CFM plus everyone's a WINNAH!!


5: Sponsors get support during these rough times


A few other possibilities:

- Have two categories of tickets, SPS and LPS

- People can buy more than one ticket, getting more than one pick per round (order still random of course)

- Could have related raffles or games related to

-- picking First Round Draft Picks (people guess which 10(?) frags will be the first to go, the person with the most matches wins)

-- MVP Frag (people vote ahead of time on their favorite frag, person who takes that frag wins a prize)

-- Sponsors' Choice (each sponsor picks their favorite from the frags they supplied, person who takes that frag wins a goofball prize)

-- The "Always Picked Last" Award (people vote on the frag they'd least like to take, person who takes that frag wins a sweet prize)

-- It'd probably be wise to get a few extra corals to cover any that don't make it, could auction these off afterwards if they weren't needed after all.

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