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I find myself questioning whether or not I want to get rid of my tank. Some of you are aware of the issues I have been experiencing recently with the parasite on my fish. I know that I have read and hear tons of advice and recommendations, not all am I able to accomidate. To date I have done everything my mind, wife, and bank account will allow me to do in an effort to save my tank.


I lost the first of my 2 True Perc's this morning. The other one is at least staying in the anemone. I have almost no chance of setting up a QT tank due to lack of equipment, and available money. I am sure I will lose this one in the next day or 2 then I will more than likely part out my tank and be done. I am extremely frusterated over this whole senario and regret ever getting the mimic tang and psuedochromie from that LFS. I know that some of you will feel I am over reacting, but I got into this hobby for those fish. I have had those 2 since the first day anything alive went into my first saltwater tank. In fact they were the first things alive in there outside of rock and sand. Oddly I found clownfish were what brought me out of fresh water and into salt. They were my wife's favorite fish in the tank which makes all of this that much worse. She was on the verge of tears when I pulled the body out.


Those clowns I have had for almost 2 years they have gone through PH changes from 5.6 through 8.9, salinity changes from 1.10 to 1.34, temp flucuations of more than 20 degrees, 4 moves, 3 tank changes, chlorine spikes, amonia spikes, nitrate spikes, and I thought they were indestructable. But I found their weakness. I find myself soley blaming the LFS due to the fact that the parasite killing my tank originated from thier fish within a day or so of joining my tank. I have lost 5 fish total and I can see the strain on the remaining survivors.


I am aware that I should have had a UV sterilizer but had never had a need for it, to be honest I am still not sure I want to buy one but don't have much of a choice anymore. I am also aware that I should have had a QT tank, but again I never had a need for one and to be quite honest I am under the belief that when I put sick fish into a QT tank I apply additional stress to an already weak and stressed animal which in my experience (which is not extensive by any means) leads to death. Again in my experience I am 7 for 7 on fish that went into QT and died there. I can only hope that the LFS that I made these recent purchases from will read this and find some sort of responsibility or obligation to try and rectify a very bad situation.


I feel I have to say that all of this is in my opinion. I am sure most of you will disagree with my philosiphy on why I blame the LFS, but I guess you would have had to been around to see what all has transpired or not transpired in my tank throughout it's life and how the sudden addition of 2 fish completely changed everything. Feel free to share your opinion on what I should do or why what I feel is wrong.

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With a child on the way soon, you will find out being a parent is a full-time responsibility. If you barely have any time to work on your tank now because of work and short of money, you will have even less time and money for it then. I'm not telling you to get rid of your tank, just giving you something to consider.


Also, if you don't quarantine your fish, you can't really blame the LFS.

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Eric, if you decide to sell it, let me know, I'll buy it from you. I think a lot of us here have had similar experiences as you with this. I myself have been tempted to just get out of it, and actually did for almost a year, but sooner or later the bug bites again and you end up with another tank, so think about that before you quit. If you do decide to quit, sell the livestock, but keep the equipment, or as much of it as you can. Trust me, you'll be better off if you do.

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Those clowns I have had for almost 2 years they have gone through PH changes from 5.6 through 8.9, salinity changes from 1.10 to 1.34, temp flucuations of more than 20 degrees, 4 moves, 3 tank changes, chlorine spikes, amonia spikes, nitrate spikes, and I thought they were indestructable. But I found their weakness. I find myself soley blaming the LFS due to the fact that the parasite killing my tank originated from thier fish within a day or so of joining my tank. I have lost 5 fish total and I can see the strain on the remaining survivors.


From the amount of abuse your fish have endured over the last two years, I can easily see why your clowns are stressed and prone to disease, including parasites that might have arrived on the new fish. Even more reason to have a quarantine tank.

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Twogirls: Thank you as well for the support. I am not much of a quitter but I am so irritated and disappointed. I guess I am going to move the remaining fish into a small 5 gallon with no light, heater, or water circulation (not out of punishment only because I have non of that to give them) so that way they are in their QT tank AKA final resting place.

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Eric- bring your fish over to me. I have a QT setup. All I need to do is add water and it is ready to go. I can even treat the fish with some copper based medication that I have. At least it will have circulation and lights.


When/if the fish recovers, you can have it back.


Don't think of this as a shortfall, think of it as an opportunity to restock with what you want. If you have been looking at different kinds of clowns, now is the time. :) Either onyx, black and white, Picasso, maroon, whatever your fancy. If you want to QT them with me, then take them when they are shown to be healthy that is fine too.


Don't get out. The salt water bug will just bite you again. With me it was a 10 year time in between, but I am a poor teacher with a family. My first job at a private school made me just enough money to be able to claim foodstamps. That is the only reason I got out. Now that I am more established, and have a better income I can keep a modest reef. I don't get anything fancy, but I can keep what I like. :)


My advice is to stop trying to go after the high end livestock, and just enjoy the things that you have.



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Any advice on how to catch the remaining clown and 2 chromie's without desassembling my tank? I would love to take you up on that. The other problem is also how and when I can get them to you. I imagine I need this to happen soon to improve chances for survival. Any advice? Again thank you very much Dennis.

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You may need to take apart the rocks in your tank to do it. Especially for the chromis.


I also find it easier to catch the fish after the lights have gone out and they are "asleep"


The room lights should be enough for you to see the fish so that you can catch them.


So here is how I would do it.

#1 put all corals in bags. 1/2 full of water.

#2 any rock in a bucket with salt water. (powerhead if you got it)

#3 turn off lights for 3 hours

#4 net the fish while they sleep. Put them in bags for a short while

#5 Put all rock back in tank

#6 put all corals back in tank

#7 put fish in bucket with powerhead

#8 leave tank empty for 6 weeks so parasite has a chance to run the life cycle and die out.

#9 Either take fish to store and get credit (to get something later) or bring them to me (or someone else that can QT them for you). Treat the fish with copper or something that will cure the fungus/ich.

#10 relax. I know it is a disappointment, but it is not the end of the world and not something to stop keeping a tank over.



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The issue with the parasite is now. The issues listed in the long paragraph involving PH, amonia, chlorine, salinity, moves, etc were in the past. I was just trying to explain what the clowns had experienced in their past in comparision to what is doing them in now.

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ok so I was over reacting when I said I was probably going to get out of reefing. Now that I have had time to cool down I know I am not. I will take you up on that offer Dsoz and try to get those fish to you tomorrow. I am also searching for a UV sterilizer that I can hopefully get for a decent price here to provide a more stable environment for future additions. In addition I am going to be putting effort into getting a QT tank set up for future issues and new additions alike. I still need help with this issue at hand as it is not resolved. I am probably not going to be able to catch those chromie's but they are a dime a dozen and dont seem to be showing any signs of infection outside of odd behavior. Will these measures ensure a non repeat on these issues?

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I am probably not going to be able to catch those chromie's but they are a dime a dozen and dont seem to be showing any signs of infection outside of odd behavior. Will these measures ensure a non repeat on these issues?


If you don't get them out of your tank, and let is stay without fish for about 6 weeks then the ich parasite will remain in your tank and come back for a reinfection.


Do all that is in your power to get them out. I understand that they are only $5 each, but they are still potential hosts for ich.



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