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Last night, my friends, I had a dream about aquariums. I was in "my" house, and saw a great looking aquarium that was apparently mine. The fish looked cool in there and I was very happy.(clap)


But then it got bad. All of a sudden, there was another aquarium. Then there was this weird crab nest thing in the ejected dvd drive of a computer, with a little mud walkway to another tank.(nutty)


Everything just became overwhelming. I freaked out!:eek:


Why am I dreaming about aquariums, and has anyone else done this? I think I'm stressing out because I have a hair algae growth problem and don't know what to do.(scary)(scary)

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smash your face against the aquarium until you feel slightly light headed. That should fix it.....lol.


Seriously, I think all of us at some point had a similar dream. Maybe not DVD drives providing paths to other tanks, but odd just the same. It is called an addiction, and we all have it. Welcome to reefing.

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Last week I dreamed I had a new 'man cave' with aquariums and big screen TV's - I had a total of 3 show tanks :) The room was sweet - kind of like a tree house. Must be the inner childin me coming out.

I am battling some hair algae as well - I'm just upping my water changes and figure that will wipe it out after a few weeks (hopefully)!

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Tap water? I wont preach but your only as good as the quality coming into the tank, its hard to control things like city and well water for that matter, at least run some phosban type product WITH carbon, that will help. I will give you a clue though.... My city water TDS is 60, my RO/DI filter brings that water to less than 1 TDS, but at 10 tds my corals start to look bad even doing multiple water changes so I test RO/DI and I change filters after discovery, TDS back to 000-001 and corals start to look happy and grow again.


Your only as good as the water you start with, with a RO unit at least you know your starting off clean, otherwise its hit or miss and you never know what water change it will change as water well quality changes with the season and city policies change as to quality control.

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My worst tank dream extravaganza was the night we stayed up until about 1:00 AM trying to quickly transfer all the rock, coral, fish, inverts etc. out of my old 90 gallon into the new 120 before the (just discovered) cracking seam gave way and everything ended up on the living room floor. The last couple critters to go into the tank were a large sea cucumber and a large emerald. Of course, the emerald landed on the cucumber and proceeded to try and squeeze it in two! The poor thing ballooned up on both ends as the crab just hung on for dear life! Of course, anything we tried to do just agitated the crab and caused him to clamp down more... argh! It finally released the cucumber about a half hour later but all night long all I could see in my brain was this poor swollen cucumber ready to explode :eek:

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Yeah. Good ole tap water.........


Do I need to buy special water for $100/gallon?


After you buy an RO/DI unit, your system will see a complete reversal of your problems. But, your rock is now loaded with phosphates and badness, so it will take a couple of months of diligent water changes to leech the badness out.


With proper research, you can find a good unit for a little money.

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In the short term, you can also get RO/DI water from local stores. Because you're not in control of the maintenance of the machines at the store, you don't know how good the filters are kept up, etc. but I have tested the water several times from the places I get water (Winco, Fred Meyer mostly) and they have been 0-1 TDS every time I have tested. In any case, it is almost certainly better than tap water. Price is typically $0.30-$0.40 per gallon if you bring your own container. Still, over the long term, it is better to have your own setup.

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