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So now that I'm starting to expand my horizons as far as coral species go, I'm starting to wonder if my critters will get everything that they need from just water changes. This was the original plan as I only thought I wanted softies. Now I'm starting to think about looking towards more sps, and maybe someday a clam. So here's my question, should I be supplementing my tank with anything? If so, what? How often? What are the benefits and risks of supplementing? I've heard everything from supplementing will destroy my tank to nothing will survive without it. What are your thoughts?

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A little more info would be helpful.


Size of tank. Heavily stocked or lightly stocked. Clams?


IMO, this is the general rule of thumb. If you cannot maintain your calc, alk, and mag through water changes, then you will need to dose or use a kalk/calcium reactor.



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With sps and clams you will want to keep a closer eye on calcium, ALK, PH, and Mg.

They will use up calcium more then lps and softies. And they will like it as stable as possible.

You will need to test to see how often you will need to add. Start out using supplements like the Kent products and follow the directions. Or you can talk to the LFS and see if they sell bulk supplements.


Some other reefer use to say this and it is true.


S = stability

P = promotes

S = success

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Sorry just read your other thread. Here are the details:


16g pacific coast cube. I pulled the AIO part out of the back of it and trashed that, then I removed the lid that housed pc bulbs and replaced it with a 150w sunpod with a 20k bulb.

-7 gallon sump with LRR and a gravity fed ATO

-soap dish fuge with chaeto

-about 2 inches of sand in the display and about 15 lbs LR

-2 koralia nanos



-various zoas

-superman mushrooms

-blue shrooms

-green tonga shrooms

-unknown sps frag

-striped palys

-ricordea floridas

-ricordea yuma (neon orange and splitting like crazy!)


I agree with Michael. Testing will tell you how much to dose. Always start slowly. With only 23 gallons of volume, you will need to take it really slow.



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With sps and clams you will want to keep a closer eye on calcium, ALK, PH, and Mg.

They will use up calcium more then lps and softies. And they will like it as stable as possible.

You will need to test to see how often you will need to add. Start out using supplements like the Kent products and follow the directions. Or you can talk to the LFS and see if they sell bulk supplements.


Some other reefer use to say this and it is true.


S = stability

P = promotes

S = success


Nice....I will remember that.

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Water changes on my nano were not able to keep my params in line (I've tried a few different salts). I found I was always low on my Ca and Mg. Currently I use kent Tech CB part a and b - and for my mg I dose bulk (way cheaper than the bottled stuff) Magnesium Chloride. Once I managed to get these levels up and maintain my growth was much better, and my coraline is going nuts.

I have found this site to be very helpful in my dosing, check it out:


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I needed to use bionic for my 10gal nano as well. My 29gal needed a CA reactor. My 75gal is fine with just WCs and kalk. I think smaller tanks make it tough. But if you monitor it regularly there is no reason it can't be done with success. Remember to start with smaller doses and work it up to the tanks needs. Bad things happen faster in smaller volumes. I keep a notepad when i do dips or when i am trying to figure out my tanks needs. It will take daily tests for a few weeks until you get it down, but its part of the fun and worth it in the end.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What's the opinion on the Kent Essential Elements? We just bought that for our 14g Biocube, but haven't dosed it yet.


Currently the only thing I'm dosing is Purple Up. I don't have a ton of corals yet (shrooms, few zoas, and some small LPS frags), but I do have a TON of coralline. We dose 1ml twice a week and it keeps the calcium in check.

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